Screen share 🔗

How to screen share 🔗

The following desktop platforms support screen sharing (mobile platforms do not currently support it):

  • Chrome
  • Opera
  • Firefox
  • Safari >= 13.0
  • Microsoft Edge >= 80.0
  • Electron apps

Chrome, Opera, Firefox, Safari, Edge 🔗

To share your screen instead of your webcam, the process is exactly the same as stated in Publish a stream section, but setting to "screen" videoSource property when initializing a Publisher object:

var OV = new OpenVidu();
var sessionScreen = OV.initSession();
getToken().then((token) => {
    sessionScreen.connect(token).then(() => {
        var publisher = OV.initPublisher("html-element-id", { videoSource: "screen" });

        publisher.once('accessAllowed', (event) => {
  [0].addEventListener('ended', () => {
                console.log('User pressed the "Stop sharing" button');


        publisher.once('accessDenied', (event) => {
            console.warn('ScreenShare: Access Denied');

    }).catch((error => {
        console.warn('There was an error connecting to the session:', error.code, error.message);


Desktop Electron apps 🔗

Electron allows screen-sharing, but there's no default screen selector built in the framework. For the rest of supported platforms, a native dialog will be shown when calling OpenVidu.initPublisher with { videoSource: "screen" }, so the user can pick up the screen or application window to share.

For Electron, you must build your own screen selection dialog using desktopCapturer API and then append the desired screen identifier to string "screen" like this: { videoSource: "screen:SCREEN_IDENTIFIER" }

To do so:

    types: ['window', 'screen']
}).then(async sources => {
    sources.forEach(source => {
        // Name of the screen or window
        // Thumbnail of the screen or window. You can set this as the src attribute of an <img> element
        // ID of the screen or window. This is the required value

        if (my_condition) {
            var OV = new OpenVidu();
            var publisher = OV.initPublisher("html-element-id", { videoSource: "screen:" + });

You can check out openvidu-electron tutorial, which includes a fully functional screen selector dialog.

How to share the screen audio 🔗

You can allow the clients to share the audio of their screens by setting both the videoSource and audioSource properties of PublisherProperties object to "screen":

var publisher = OV.initPublisher("html-element-id", {
    videoSource: "screen",
    audioSource: "screen"

This will add a toggle to the native dialog of the browser asking the user for permission to share the audio of the screen.

NOTE: check browser compatibility for screen audio in the row "Audio capture support"

How to know when the user stops sharing the screen 🔗

You can use native Web API to add a listener for determining when the user pressed the "Stop sharing" button shown by browsers when sharing a window or screen. You can do it like this:

var OV = new OpenVidu();
var publisher = OV.initPublisherAsync({
    videoSource: "screen"
}).then(publisher => {'inactive', () => {
        console.log('User pressed the "Stop sharing" button');
        // You can send a signal with Session.signal method to warn other participants

If that doesn't work (it may only work in certain clients, but not in others) you can also try event ended of MediaStreamTrack, which serves the same purpose. Following the same example above that would be:

var OV = new OpenVidu();mkdocs serve[0].addEventListener('ended', () => {
        console.log('User pressed the "Stop sharing" button');

How to change the resolution when screen sharing 🔗

NOTE: as a general rule, you shouldn't change the resolution of shared screens. Screen sharing videos have special behaviors in terms of bitrate and resolution, and messing around with them can negatively affect the transmission.

If you try setting a custom resolution when initializing a Publisher with screen sharing like this...

var publisher = OV.initPublisher("html-element-id", {
    videoSource: "screen",
    resolution: "1280x720"

... you will see that the resolution parameter doesn't have any effect at all. This is because screen sharing videos have specific widths and heights dependent on the size of the shared screen. Changing it could cut off parts of the screen or modify its aspect ratio. But if you still want to forcibly adjust the width and height in pixels of the screen video, you can do it by using the method MediaStreamTrack.applyConstraints of native Web API:

var publisher = OV.initPublisher("html-element-id", { videoSource: "screen" });

publisher.once('accessAllowed', () => {
    try {[0].applyConstraints({
            width: 1280,
            height: 720
    } catch (error) {
        console.error('Error applying constraints: ', error);