Switch camera 🔗
As a first step, we strongly recommend taking a look at Publish/Unpublish stream documentation, as we need to be very clear about those concepts before we address the switching camera operation.
That being said, there are two ways of switching the media source of a published stream:
By using method Publisher.replaceTrack
You can use method Publisher.replaceTrack to seamlessly change the video track being published by a Publisher object.
// 'myPublisher' a Publisher object obtained through 'OpenVidu.initPublisher()' method
// 'myTrack' a MediaStreamTrack object
// 'properties' a PublisherProperties object https://docs.openvidu.io/en/stable/api/openvidu-browser/interfaces/PublisherProperties.html
var mediaStream = await this.OV.getUserMedia(properties);
// Getting the video track from mediaStream
var myTrack = mediaStream.getVideoTracks()[0];
// Replacing video track
.then(() => console.log('New track has been published'))
.catch(error => console.error('Error replacing track', error));
You can obtain this new MediaStreamTrack by using the native Web API or simply with OpenVidu.getUserMedia method.
WARNING: this method has been proven to work, but there may be some combinations of published/replaced tracks that may be incompatible between them and break the connection inside the OpenVidu deployment. A complete renegotiation may be the only solution in this case
By initializing a new Publisher 🔗
You can also take a more "radical" path and directly use a new Publisher initialized with the new desired audio or video source. The general steps to switch the camera/microphone device in this way are:
- List all the client's available media devices
- Create a new Publisher with the desired device. If we want to switch the video, the
field will be the new video deviceId - Unpublish the old Publisher
- Publish our new Publisher created with the new
To list the video and audio devices of a client, you must use OpenVidu.getDevices()
method (take a look to getDevices method and Device object in openvidu-browser documentation)
var OV = new OpenVidu();
OV.getDevices().then(devices => {
// 'devices' array contains all available media devices
Now we can create a new publisher with the specific videoSource
, unpublish the old stream and publish the new one:
var isFrontCamera = false; // This allows us to toggle the camera between the front and back one
function toggleCamera() {
getDevices().then(devices => {
// Getting only the video devices
var videoDevices = devices.filter(device => device.kind === 'videoinput');
if (videoDevices && videoDevices.length > 1){
// Creating a new publisher with specific videoSource
// In mobile devices the default and first camera is the front one
var newPublisher = OV.initPublisher('html-element-id', {
videoSource: isFrontCamera ? videoDevices[1].deviceId : videoDevices[0].deviceId,
publishAudio: true,
publishVideo: true,
mirror: isFrontCamera // Setting mirror enable if front camera is selected
// Changing isFrontCamera value
isFrontCamera = !isFrontCamera;
// Unpublishing the old publisher
session.unpublish(publisher).then(() => {
console.log('Old publisher unpublished!');
// Assigning the new publisher to our global variable 'publisher'
publisher = newPublisher;
// Publishing the new publisher
this.session.publish(publisher).then(() => {
console.log('New publisher published!');
React Native 🔗
In React Native the camera switching works in a different way. As we are using plugin react-native-webrtc, we must use a specific method provided by the plugin to switch the camera.
This function allows us to switch between the front/back camera in a video track on the fly, without the need for adding/removing tracks or renegotiating the media.
// _switchCamera() Method provided by react-native-webrtc plugin
// It belongs to MediaStream object, contained in Stream object of openvidu-browser API