The *ovStream directive allows to replace the default StreamComponent template injecting a custom one. In the example below we customize the participant's nickname position and styles, replacing the default stream component.
With *ovStream directive we can access to the stream object from its context using the let
keyword and
referencing the stream
variable: *ovStream="let stream"
. Now we can access the StreamModel object.
You can run the associated tutorial here.
Example :<ov-videoconference [tokens]="tokens">
<div *ovStream="let stream">
<ov-stream [stream]="stream" [displayParticipantName]="false"></ov-stream>
<p>{{ stream.participant.nickname }}</p>
export class StreamDirectiveComponent {
sessionId = 'toolbar-directive-example';
tokens!: TokenModel;
constructor(private httpClient: HttpClient) { }
async ngOnInit() {
this.tokens = {
webcam: await this.getToken(),
screen: await this.getToken()
async getToken(): Promise<string> {
// Returns an OpeVidu token
Selector | [ovStream] |
Properties |
constructor(template: TemplateRef
Parameters :
Public container |
Type : ViewContainerRef
Public template |
Type : TemplateRef<any>