Event dispatched when the user owning the stream has started speaking.
Extra information:
in the call of setAdvancedConfiguration.Event dispatched when the user owning the stream has stopped speaking.
Extra information:
in the call of setAdvancedConfiguration.Event dispatched when the volume of the media stream's audio track changes. Only applies if hasAudio is true
The frequency this event is fired with is defined by property interval
publisherSpeakingEventsOptions (default 100ms)
Event dispatched when the media stream starts playing (one of its videos has media and has begun to play). This event will be dispatched when these 3 conditions are met:
Event dispatched when a Stream undergoes any change in any of its mutable properties (see changedProperty).
Event dispatched when a new HTML video element has been inserted into DOM by OpenVidu Browser library. See Manage video players section.
Event dispatched when an HTML video element has been removed from DOM by OpenVidu Browser library. See Manage video players section.
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Events dispatched by StreamManager object. Manage event listeners with on, once and off methods.