openvidu-basic-java 🔗

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This is a minimal OpenVidu server application sample built for Java with Spring Boot. It internally uses openvidu-java-client SDK.

Running this application 🔗

Prerequisites 🔗

To run this application you will need Java and Maven:

Download repository 🔗

git clone -b v2.29.0
cd openvidu-tutorials/openvidu-basic-java

Run application 🔗

mvn spring-boot:run

Understanding the code 🔗

The application is a simple Spring Boot application with a single controller class that exports two endpoints:

  • /api/sessions : Initialize a session.
  • /api/sessions/:sessionId/connections : Create a connection.

You can get more information about these endpoints in the Application Server Endpoints section.

Let's see the code of the controller:

@CrossOrigin(origins = "*")
public class Controller {

    private String OPENVIDU_URL;

    private String OPENVIDU_SECRET;

    private OpenVidu openvidu;

    public void init() {
        this.openvidu = new OpenVidu(OPENVIDU_URL, OPENVIDU_SECRET);


Starting by the top, the Controller class has the following annotations:

  • @CrossOrigin(origins = "*"): Allows the application to be accessed from any domain.
  • @RestController: Marks the class as a controller where every method returns a domain object instead of a view.

Going deeper, the Controller class has the following fields:

  • OPENVIDU_URL: the URL of the OpenVidu deployment. It is injected from the environment variable OPENVIDU_URL using the @Value("${OPENVIDU_URL}") annotation.

  • OPENVIDU_SECRET: the secret of the OpenVidu deployment. It is injected from the environment variable OPENVIDU_SECRET using the @Value("${OPENVIDU_SECRET}") annotation.

  • openvidu: the OpenVidu object that will be used to interact with the the OpenVidu deployment. It is initialized in the init() method marked with the @PostConstruct annotation.

Initialize session endpoint 🔗

The first endpoint allows us to initialize a new OpenVidu Session. The code of this endpoint is the following:

@CrossOrigin(origins = "*")
public class Controller {

     * @param params The Session properties
     * @return The Session ID
    public ResponseEntity<String> initializeSession(@RequestBody(required = false) Map<String, Object> params)
            throws OpenViduJavaClientException, OpenViduHttpException {
        SessionProperties properties = SessionProperties.fromJson(params).build();
        Session session = openvidu.createSession(properties);
        return new ResponseEntity<>(session.getSessionId(), HttpStatus.OK);

We build the SessionProperties object using the parameters received from the request body. This property is necessary to configure the Session object.

Finally, the session identifier is returned in the response body.

Create connection endpoint 🔗

The second endpoint allows us to create a new OpenVidu Connection in the session:

@CrossOrigin(origins = "*")
public class Controller {

     * @param sessionId The Session in which to create the Connection
     * @param params    The Connection properties
     * @return The Token associated to the Connection
    public ResponseEntity<String> createConnection(@PathVariable("sessionId") String sessionId,
            @RequestBody(required = false) Map<String, Object> params)
            throws OpenViduJavaClientException, OpenViduHttpException {
        Session session = openvidu.getActiveSession(sessionId);
        if (session == null) {
            return new ResponseEntity<>(HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND);
        ConnectionProperties properties = ConnectionProperties.fromJson(params).build();
        Connection connection = session.createConnection(properties);
        return new ResponseEntity<>(connection.getToken(), HttpStatus.OK);

After checking if OpenVidu Session exists, we build the ConnectionProperties object from the request body. After that, we use the Session object (retrieved from the OpenVidu object using the sessionId path variable) to create a new Connection object.

Finally, the token associated to the Connection is returned in the response body. We can use this token in openviu-browser SDK to connect the user to the Session.