openvidu-basic-node 🔗

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This is a minimal OpenVidu server application sample built for Node with Express. It internally uses openvidu-node-client SDK.

Running this application 🔗

Prerequisites 🔗

To run this application you will need Node:

Download repository 🔗

git clone -b v2.29.0
cd openvidu-tutorials/openvidu-basic-node

Install dependencies 🔗

npm install

Run application 🔗

node index.js

Understanding the code 🔗

The application is a simple Express app with a single controller file index.js that exports two endpoints:

  • /api/sessions : Initialize a session.
  • /api/sessions/:sessionId/connections : Create a connection.

You can get more information about these endpoints in the Application Server Endpoints section.

Let's see the code of the controller:

var cors = require("cors");
var app = express();

// Environment variable: PORT where the node server is listening
var SERVER_PORT = process.env.SERVER_PORT || 5000;
// Environment variable: URL where our OpenVidu server is listening
var OPENVIDU_URL = process.env.OPENVIDU_URL || 'http://localhost:4443';
// Environment variable: secret shared with our OpenVidu server

// Enable CORS support
    origin: "*",

var server = http.createServer(app);
var openvidu = new OpenVidu(OPENVIDU_URL, OPENVIDU_SECRET);

// Serve application
server.listen(SERVER_PORT, () => {
  console.log("Application started on port: ", SERVER_PORT);
  console.warn('Application server connecting to OpenVidu at ' + OPENVIDU_URL);

Starting by the top, the index.js file has the following fields:

  • cors: allows the application to be accessed from any domain.
  • app: the Express application.
  • server: the HTTP server.
  • openvidu: the OpenVidu object that will be used to interact with the OpenVidu deployment. It is initialized with the OPENVIDU_URL and OPENVIDU_SECRET environment variables.
  • SERVER_PORT: the port where the application will be listening.
  • OPENVIDU_URL: the URL of the OpenVidu deployment.
  • OPENVIDU_SECRET: the secret of the OpenVidu deployment.

Initialize session endpoint 🔗

The first endpoint allows us to initialize a new OpenVidu Session. The code of this endpoint is the following:"/api/sessions", async (req, res) => {
  var session = await openvidu.createSession(req.body);

We build the Session object using the OpenVidu object and the parameters received from the request body.

Finally, the session identifier is returned in the response body.

Create connection endpoint 🔗

The second endpoint allows us to create a new OpenVidu Connection in the session:"/api/sessions/:sessionId/connections", async (req, res) => {
  var session = openvidu.activeSessions.find(
    (s) => s.sessionId === req.params.sessionId
  if (!session) {
  } else {
    var connection = await session.createConnection(req.body);

After checking if OpenVidu Session exists, the Connection object is built using the Session object and the parameters received from the request body.

Finally, the Token associated to the Connection is returned in the response body. We can use this token in openviu-browser SDK to connect the user to the Session.