openvidu-classroom 🔗

Check it on GitHub

This is a fully functional application that makes use of the secure version of OpenVidu to connect teachers and students in video sessions. It has a frontend built with Angular, a backend built with Spring Boot and a MySQL database. There are two types of roles: teachers and students. First ones can create/edit/remove lessons and invite students to them. Only when a teacher initialize a lesson authorized students can connect to it.

Get and execute the code 🔗

1) Clone the repo:

git clone

2) You will need node, NPM and angular-cli to execute the app. You can install them with:

sudo apt-get update
sudo curl -sL | sudo bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
sudo npm install --location=global @angular/cli

3) This demo needs a MySQL database to store the info. We will run it with the official MySQL Docker container:

docker run --rm -d -p 3306:3306 -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=pass -e MYSQL_DATABASE=openvidu_sample_app mysql

4) openvidu-server and Kurento Media Server must be up and running in your development machine. The easiest way is running this Docker container which wraps both of them (you will need Docker Engine):

# WARNING: this container is not suitable for production deployments of OpenVidu
# Visit

docker run -p 4443:4443 --rm -e OPENVIDU_SECRET=MY_SECRET openvidu/openvidu-dev:2.29.0

5) Install NPM dependencies of frontend:

cd classroom-demo/src/angular/frontend
npm install

6) Build the frontend, exporting the files to the static folder of the Java application:

ng build --output-path ../../main/resources/static

7) Finally run the Spring Boot application:

cd ../../../
mvn clean package exec:java

Go to https://localhost:5000 to test the app once the server is running. The first time you use the docker container, an alert message will suggest you accept the self-signed certificate of openvidu-server when you first try to join a video-call. To test two users in the same computer, use a standard window and an incognito window.

Without going into greater detail, the backend has one controller for the REST operations of the lessons (create new ones or edit/remove existing ones) and one controller for handling the videoconferences. This controller is pretty similar to the one described in any of the secure tutorials. Basically it listens to the operations of creating a new session (returning a sessionId from openvidu-server), generating a new user token (returning the token from openvidu-server) and removing the users when they leave the session.

Deploying openvidu-classroom 🔗

This tutorial image is officially released for OpenVidu under the name openvidu/openvidu-classroom-demo:X.Y.Z so you do not need to build it by yourself. However, if you want to deploy a custom version of openvidu-classroom, you will need to build a new one. You can keep reading for more information.

1) Build the docker image 🔗

Under the root project folder, you can see the openvidu-classroom/docker/ directory. Here it is included all the required files yo make it possible the deployment with OpenVidu.

First of all, you will need to create the openvidu-classroom docker image. Under openvidu-classroom/docker/ directory you will find the script. This script will create the docker image with the openvidu-classroom server and the static files.

./ openvidu/my-openvidu-classroom-demo:X.Y.Z

This script will create an image named openvidu/my-openvidu-classroom-demo:X.Y.Z. This name will be used in the next step.

2) Deploy the docker image 🔗

Time to deploy the docker image. You can follow the Deploy OpenVidu based application with Docker guide for doing this.