Deploying OpenVidu

OpenVidu is a platform that you can install on premises in your own servers, or in any cloud provider. OpenVidu is not provided as a hosted service.

OpenVidu has different editions:

  • OpenVidu
  • OpenVidu
  • OpenVidu

To learn the differences between them visit section OpenVidu Editions.

OpenVidu for production on AWS 🔗

OpenVidu can be deployed very easily in Amazon Web Services thanks to CloudFormation. Depending on the edition you want to deploy, instructions are different:

OpenVidu for production on premises 🔗

OpenVidu can be deployed in any modern linux distribution on premises or in any cloud provider. Deployment is based on docker, allowing a better administration. Depending on the edition you want to deploy, instructions are different:

OpenVidu for development 🔗

This deployment is not designed for production. It lacks important elements to allow proper communications between devices not connected to the same LAN.

To develop OpenVidu CE based applications you can execute a simple-to-use docker image that includes OpenVidu server and Kurento Media Server. This image is the recommended way to try OpenVidu and works in any operating system (Linux, Windows or Mac).

Can be executed with the following command (you will need Docker Engine):

docker run -p 4443:4443 --rm -e OPENVIDU_SECRET=MY_SECRET openvidu/openvidu-dev:2.29.0

OpenVidu for development will be available in https://localhost:4443/

If you want to develop using OpenVidu PRO specific features, then you should use a production deployment.

Deploy OpenVidu based applications 🔗

When deploying OpenVidu in production environments, the OpenVidu Call application is also automatically deployed.

You can remove OpenVidu Call application from your OpenVidu deployment.

You can deploy other OpenVidu based application in the server you have deployed OpenVidu or in any other server.

Visit the Deploying OpenVidu Applications for detailed instructions.