Upgrading OpenVidu Enterprise

Be careful when upgrading your version of OpenVidu Pro:
  • Never upgrade across multiple major versions: to upgrade from 2.16.0 to 2.18.0, you must first go through 2.17.0.
  • Read carefully the Release Notes of any new version you plan to upgrade. Sometimes there are breaking changes that will require you to update your application.

Migrating from 2.28.0 to 2.29.0 🔗

Depending of the type of deployment you have (AWS or On Premises), you will need to follow one of the following instructions:

Migrating from 2.28.0 to 2.29.0 (AWS Cloudformation - Single master deployment) 🔗

Upgrading process for this kind of deployment is exactly the same as Migrating from 2.28.0 to 2.29.0 OpenVidu Pro (AWS with Cloudformation).

Remember to use OPENVIDU_EDITION=enterprise to run the deployment as OpenVidu enterprise.

Migrating from 2.28.0 to 2.29.0 (On premises - Single master deployment) 🔗

Upgrading process for this kind of deployment is exactly the same as Migrating from 2.28.0 to 2.29.0 OpenVidu Pro (On premises).

Remember to use OPENVIDU_EDITION=enterprise to run the deployment as OpenVidu enterprise.

Migrating from 2.28.0 to 2.29.0 (AWS Cloudformation - High Availability deployment) 🔗

For OpenVidu Enterprise with High Availability, the upgrading process can not be done manually because it would require a lot of different changes on different machines. Instead, OpenVidu Enterprise with High Availability uses a S3 bucket to preserve its configuration and recordings. You can access to it from your CloudFormation panel, at the Resources section.

To upgrade you will need to deploy the newer Cloudformation template of the version you want to deploy. If you want to keep in your new deployment your configuration and recordings, follow from step 1) to 5), Otherwise just start from step 3):

1) Clone your current S3 bucket with all of your data to a new S3 bucket. You do not need any tool installed on your machine. You can open your AWS cloudshell and execute:

aws s3api create-bucket \
    --bucket <new-bucket-v2.29.0> \
    --region <your-region>
aws s3 sync s3://<bucket-v2.28.0> s3://<new-bucket-v2.29.0>

2) Remove from the new bucket the file named .env, located in the root directory of the bucket. This is because we want OpenVidu Enterprise to generate a new one for us.

3) Deploy the Cloudformation template of 2.29.0 from this instructions. If you've followed steps 1 and 2, put at the OpenVidu S3 bucket parameter your new bucket, otherwise just keep the parameter blank.

4) Wait for the deployment to be in healthy state

5) Check your new S3 bucket (or check the new-bucket-v2.29.0 you have created if you followed steps 1 and 2), and move your old configuration to the .env configuration of the new bucket. You can follow this section to see how to change and restart OpenVidu master nodes.

Migration from 2.28.0 to 2.29.0 (On Premises - High Availability deployment) 🔗

First make sure to stop all the nodes of your cluster. Then, follow the next steps:

1) Upgrading Base Services 🔗

If you are using in your On premises deployment the Base Services node, you will need to upgrade it first. Connect to the Base Services instance through SSH. Log with root permissions and go to OpenVidu installation path, by default /opt/ov-enterprise-base-services

sudo -s
cd /opt/ov-enterprise-base-services # Recommended and default installation path

Then you can run the upgrade script with this command:

curl https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/aws.openvidu.io/install_ov_enterprise_ha_base_2.29.0.sh | bash -s upgrade

The installation steps will output their progress as they run. If everything goes well, at the end you will see a message with the final instructions to successfully complete the upgrade process:

Openvidu Enterprise HA base services successfully upgraded to version v2.29.0

1. A new file 'docker-compose.yml' has been created with the new OpenVidu Enterprise HA v2.29.0 services

2. The previous file '.env' remains intact, but a new file '.env-v2.29.0' has been created.
Transfer any configuration you wish to keep in the upgraded version from '.env' to '.env-v2.29.0'.
When you are OK with it, rename and leave as the only '.env' file of the folder the new '.env-v2.29.0'.

3. If you were using Openvidu Call application, it has been automatically updated in file 'docker-compose.override.yml'.
However, if you were using your own application, a file called 'docker-compose.override.yml-v2.29.0'
has been created with the latest version of Openvidu Call. If you don't plan to use it you can delete it.

3. Start new versions of Openvidu Enterprise HA Base Services
$ ./base-services start

If you want to rollback, all the files from the previous installation have been copied to folder '.old-2.28.0'

After that, you can start the new version of OpenVidu Base Services with:

./base-services start

2) Upgrading OpenVidu Nodes 🔗

SSH to your OpenVidu Nodes with root permissions and go to OpenVidu installation path, by default /opt/openvidu:

sudo -s
cd /opt/openvidu # Recommended and default installation path

Then you can run the upgrade script with this command:

curl https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/aws.openvidu.io/install_openvidu_enterprise_ha_node_2.29.0.sh | bash -s upgrade

The installation steps will output their progress as they run. If everything goes well, at the end you will see a message with the final instructions to successfully complete the upgrade process:

Openvidu Enterprise HA successfully upgraded to version v2.29.0

1. A new file 'docker-compose.yml' has been created with the new OpenVidu Enterprise HA v2.29.0 services

2. The previous file '.env' remains intact, but a new file '.env-v2.29.0' has been created.
Transfer any configuration you wish to keep in the upgraded version from '.env' to '.env-v2.29.0'.
When you are OK with it, rename and leave as the only '.env' file of the folder the new '.env-v2.29.0'.

3. Start new version of Openvidu
$ ./openvidu start

If you want to rollback, all the files from the previous installation have been copied to folder '.old-2.28.0'

Make sure that you have all of your needed properties at your .env file and start OpenVidu with:

./openvidu start

Migrating from 2.27.0 to 2.28.0 🔗

Depending of the type of deployment you have (AWS or On Premises), you will need to follow one of the following instructions:

Migrating from 2.27.0 to 2.28.0 (AWS Cloudformation - Single master deployment) 🔗

Upgrading process for this kind of deployment is exactly the same as Migrating from 2.27.0 to 2.28.0 OpenVidu Pro (AWS with Cloudformation).

Remember to use OPENVIDU_EDITION=enterprise to run the deployment as OpenVidu enterprise.

Migrating from 2.27.0 to 2.28.0 (On premises - Single master deployment) 🔗

Upgrading process for this kind of deployment is exactly the same as Migrating from 2.27.0 to 2.28.0 OpenVidu Pro (On premises).

Remember to use OPENVIDU_EDITION=enterprise to run the deployment as OpenVidu enterprise.

Migrating from 2.27.0 to 2.28.0 (AWS Cloudformation - High Availability deployment) 🔗

For OpenVidu Enterprise with High Availability, the upgrading process can not be done manually because it would require a lot of different changes on different machines. Instead, OpenVidu Enterprise with High Availability uses a S3 bucket to preserve its configuration and recordings. You can access to it from your CloudFormation panel, at the Resources section.

To upgrade you will need to deploy the newer Cloudformation template of the version you want to deploy. If you want to keep in your new deployment your configuration and recordings, follow from step 1) to 5), Otherwise just start from step 3):

1) Clone your current S3 bucket with all of your data to a new S3 bucket. You do not need any tool installed on your machine. You can open your AWS cloudshell and execute:

aws s3api create-bucket \
    --bucket <new-bucket-v2.28.0> \
    --region <your-region>
aws s3 sync s3://<bucket-v2.27.0> s3://<new-bucket-v2.28.0>

2) Remove from the new bucket the file named .env, located in the root directory of the bucket. This is because we want OpenVidu Enterprise to generate a new one for us.

3) Deploy the Cloudformation template of 2.28.0 from this instructions. If you've followed steps 1 and 2, put at the OpenVidu S3 bucket parameter your new bucket, otherwise just keep the parameter blank.

4) Wait for the deployment to be in healthy state

5) Check your new S3 bucket (or check the new-bucket-v2.28.0 you have created if you followed steps 1 and 2), and move your old configuration to the .env configuration of the new bucket. You can follow this section to see how to change and restart OpenVidu master nodes.

Migrating from 2.26.2 to 2.27.0 🔗

Depending of the type of deployment you have (AWS or On Premises), you will need to follow one of the following instructions:

Migrating from 2.26.2 to 2.27.0 (AWS Cloudformation - Single master deployment) 🔗

Upgrading process for this kind of deployment is exactly the same as Migrating from 2.26.2 to 2.27.0 OpenVidu Pro (AWS with Cloudformation).

Remember to use OPENVIDU_EDITION=enterprise to run the deployment as OpenVidu enterprise.

Migrating from 2.26.2 to 2.27.0 (On premises - Single master deployment) 🔗

Upgrading process for this kind of deployment is exactly the same as Migrating from 2.26.2 to 2.27.0 OpenVidu Pro (On premises).

Remember to use OPENVIDU_EDITION=enterprise to run the deployment as OpenVidu enterprise.

Migrating from 2.26.2 to 2.27.0 (AWS Cloudformation - High Availability deployment) 🔗

For OpenVidu Enterprise with High Availability, the upgrading process can not be done manually because it would require a lot of different changes on different machines. Instead, OpenVidu Enterprise with High Availability uses a S3 bucket to preserve its configuration and recordings. You can access to it from your CloudFormation panel, at the Resources section.

To upgrade you will need to deploy the newer Cloudformation template of the version you want to deploy. If you want to keep in your new deployment your configuration and recordings, follow from step 1) to 5), Otherwise just start from step 3):

1) Clone your current S3 bucket with all of your data to a new S3 bucket. You do not need any tool installed on your machine. You can open your AWS cloudshell and execute:

aws s3api create-bucket \
    --bucket <new-bucket-v2.27.0> \
    --region <your-region>
aws s3 sync s3://<bucket-v2.26.2> s3://<new-bucket-v2.27.0>

2) Remove from the new bucket the file named .env, located in the root directory of the bucket. This is because we want OpenVidu Enterprise to generate a new one for us.

3) Deploy the Cloudformation template of 2.27.0 from this instructions. If you've followed steps 1 and 2, put at the OpenVidu S3 bucket parameter your new bucket, otherwise just keep the parameter blank.

4) Wait for the deployment to be in healthy state

5) Check your new S3 bucket (or check the new-bucket-v2.27.0 you have created if you followed steps 1 and 2), and move your old configuration to the .env configuration of the new bucket. You can follow this section to see how to change and restart OpenVidu master nodes.

Migrating from 2.25.0 to 2.26.2 🔗

Depending of the type of deployment you have (AWS or On Premises), you will need to follow one of the following instructions:

Migrating from 2.25.0 to 2.26.2 (AWS Cloudformation - Single master deployment) 🔗

Upgrading process for this kind of deployment is exactly the same as Migrating from 2.25.0 to 2.26.2 OpenVidu Pro (AWS with Cloudformation).

Remember to use OPENVIDU_EDITION=enterprise to run the deployment as OpenVidu enterprise.

Migrating from 2.25.0 to 2.26.2 (On premises - Single master deployment) 🔗

Upgrading process for this kind of deployment is exactly the same as Migrating from 2.25.0 to 2.26.2 OpenVidu Pro (On premises).

Remember to use OPENVIDU_EDITION=enterprise to run the deployment as OpenVidu enterprise.

Migrating from 2.25.0 to 2.26.2 (AWS Cloudformation - High Availability deployment) 🔗

For OpenVidu Enterprise with High Availability, the upgrading process can not be done manually because it would require a lot of different changes on different machines. Instead, OpenVidu Enterprise with High Availability uses a S3 bucket to preserve its configuration and recordings. You can access to it from your CloudFormation panel, at the Resources section.

To upgrade you will need to deploy the newer Cloudformation template of the version you want to deploy. If you want to keep in your new deployment your configuration and recordings, follow from step 1) to 5), Otherwise just start from step 3):

1) Clone your current S3 bucket with all of your data to a new S3 bucket. You do not need any tool installed on your machine. You can open your AWS cloudshell and execute:

aws s3api create-bucket \
    --bucket <new-bucket-v2.26.2> \
    --region <your-region>
aws s3 sync s3://<bucket-v2.25.0> s3://<new-bucket-v2.26.2>

2) Remove from the new bucket the file named .env, located in the root directory of the bucket. This is because we want OpenVidu Enterprise to generate a new one for us.

3) Deploy the Cloudformation template of 2.26.2 from this instructions. If you've followed steps 1 and 2, put at the OpenVidu S3 bucket parameter your new bucket, otherwise just keep the parameter blank.

4) Wait for the deployment to be in healthy state

5) Check your new S3 bucket (or check the new-bucket-v2.26.2 you have created if you followed steps 1 and 2), and move your old configuration to the .env configuration of the new bucket. You can follow this section to see how to change and restart OpenVidu master nodes.

Migrating from 2.24.0 to 2.25.0 🔗

Depending of the type of deployment you have (AWS or On Premises), you will need to follow one of the following instructions:

Migrating from 2.24.0 to 2.25.0 (AWS Cloudformation - Single master deployment) 🔗

Upgrading process for this kind of deployment is exactly the same as Migrating from 2.24.0 to 2.25.0 OpenVidu Pro (AWS with Cloudformation).

Remember to use OPENVIDU_EDITION=enterprise to run the deployment as OpenVidu enterprise.

Migrating from 2.24.0 to 2.25.0 (On premises - Single master deployment) 🔗

Upgrading process for this kind of deployment is exactly the same as Migrating from 2.24.0 to 2.25.0 OpenVidu Pro (On premises).

Remember to use OPENVIDU_EDITION=enterprise to run the deployment as OpenVidu enterprise.

Migrating from 2.24.0 to 2.25.0 (AWS Cloudformation - High Availability deployment) 🔗

For OpenVidu Enterprise with High Availability, the upgrading process can not be done manually because it would require a lot of different changes on different machines. Instead, OpenVidu Enterprise with High Availability uses a S3 bucket to preserve its configuration and recordings. You can access to it from your CloudFormation panel, at the Resources section.

To upgrade you will need to deploy the newer Cloudformation template of the version you want to deploy. If you want to keep in your new deployment your configuration and recordings, follow from step 1) to 5), Otherwise just start from step 3):

1) Clone your current S3 bucket with all of your data to a new S3 bucket. You do not need any tool installed on your machine. You can open your AWS cloudshell and execute:

aws s3api create-bucket \
    --bucket <new-bucket-v2.25.0> \
    --region <your-region>
aws s3 sync s3://<bucket-v2.24.0> s3://<new-bucket-v2.25.0>

2) Remove from the new bucket the file named .env, located in the root directory of the bucket. This is because we want OpenVidu Enterprise to generate a new one for us.

3) Deploy the Cloudformation template of 2.25.0 from this instructions. If you've followed steps 1 and 2, put at the OpenVidu S3 bucket parameter your new bucket, otherwise just keep the parameter blank.

4) Wait for the deployment to be in healthy state

5) Check your new S3 bucket (or check the new-bucket-v2.25.0 you have created if you followed steps 1 and 2), and move your old configuration to the .env configuration of the new bucket. You can follow this section to see how to change and restart OpenVidu master nodes.

Migrating from 2.23.0 to 2.24.0 🔗

Depending of the type of deployment you have (AWS or On Premises), you will need to follow one of the following instructions:

Migrating from 2.23.0 to 2.24.0 (AWS Cloudformation - Single master deployment) 🔗

Upgrading process for this kind of deployment is exactly the same as Migrating from 2.23.0 to 2.24.0 OpenVidu Pro (AWS with Cloudformation).

Remember to use OPENVIDU_EDITION=enterprise to run the deployment as OpenVidu enterprise.

Migrating from 2.23.0 to 2.24.0 (On premises - Single master deployment) 🔗

Upgrading process for this kind of deployment is exactly the same as Migrating from 2.23.0 to 2.24.0 OpenVidu Pro (On premises).

Remember to use OPENVIDU_EDITION=enterprise to run the deployment as OpenVidu enterprise.

Migrating from 2.23.0 to 2.24.0 (AWS Cloudformation - High Availability deployment) 🔗

For OpenVidu Enterprise with High Availability, the upgrading process can not be done manually because it would require a lot of different changes on different machines. Instead, OpenVidu Enterprise with High Availability uses a S3 bucket to preserve its configuration and recordings. You can access to it from your CloudFormation panel, at the Resources section.

To upgrade you will need to deploy the newer Cloudformation template of the version you want to deploy. If you want to keep in your new deployment your configuration and recordings, follow from step 1) to 5), Otherwise just start from step 3):

1) Clone your current S3 bucket with all of your data to a new S3 bucket. You do not need any tool installed on your machine. You can open your AWS cloudshell and execute:

aws s3api create-bucket \
    --bucket <new-bucket-v2.24.0> \
    --region <your-region>
aws s3 sync s3://<bucket-v2.23.0> s3://<new-bucket-v2.24.0>

2) Remove from the new bucket the file named .env, located in the root directory of the bucket. This is because we want OpenVidu Enterprise to generate a new one for us.

3) Deploy the Cloudformation template of 2.24.0 from this instructions. If you've followed steps 1 and 2, put at the OpenVidu S3 bucket parameter your new bucket, otherwise just keep the parameter blank.

4) Wait for the deployment to be in healthy state

5) Check your new S3 bucket (or check the new-bucket-v2.24.0 you have created if you followed steps 1 and 2), and move your old configuration to the .env configuration of the new bucket. You can follow this section to see how to change and restart OpenVidu master nodes.

Migrating from 2.22.0 to 2.23.0 🔗

Depending of the type of deployment you have (AWS or On Premises), you will need to follow one of the following instructions:

Migrating from 2.22.0 to 2.23.0 (AWS Cloudformation - Single master deployment) 🔗

Upgrading process for this kind of deployment is exactly the same as Migrating from 2.22.0 to 2.23.0 OpenVidu Pro (AWS with Cloudformation).

Remember to use OPENVIDU_EDITION=enterprise to run the deployment as OpenVidu enterprise.

Migrating from 2.22.0 to 2.23.0 (On premises - Single master deployment) 🔗

Upgrading process for this kind of deployment is exactly the same as Migrating from 2.22.0 to 2.23.0 OpenVidu Pro (On premises).

Remember to use OPENVIDU_EDITION=enterprise to run the deployment as OpenVidu enterprise.

Migrating from 2.22.0 to 2.23.0 (AWS Cloudformation - High Availability deployment) 🔗

For OpenVidu Enterprise with High Availability, the upgrading process can not be done manually because it would require a lot of different changes on different machines. Instead, OpenVidu Enterprise with High Availability uses a S3 bucket to preserve its configuration and recordings. You can access to it from your CloudFormation panel, at the Resources section.

To upgrade you will need to deploy the newer Cloudformation template of the version you want to deploy. If you want to keep in your new deployment your configuration and recordings, follow from step 1) to 5), Otherwise just start from step 3):

1) Clone your current S3 bucket with all of your data to a new S3 bucket. You do not need any tool installed on your machine. You can open your AWS cloudshell and execute:

aws s3api create-bucket \
    --bucket <new-bucket-v2.23.0> \
    --region <your-region>
aws s3 sync s3://<bucket-v2.22.0> s3://<new-bucket-v2.23.0>

2) Remove from the new bucket the file named .env, located in the root directory of the bucket. This is because we want OpenVidu Enterprise to generate a new one for us.

3) Deploy the Cloudformation template of 2.23.0 from this instructions. If you've followed steps 1 and 2, put at the OpenVidu S3 bucket parameter your new bucket, otherwise just keep the parameter blank.

4) Wait for the deployment to be in healthy state

5) Check your new S3 bucket (or check the new-bucket-v2.23.0 you have created if you followed steps 1 and 2), and move your old configuration to the .env configuration of the new bucket. You can follow this section to see how to change and restart OpenVidu master nodes.

Migrating from 2.21.0 to 2.22.0 🔗

Depending of the type of deployment you have (AWS or On Premises), you will need to follow one of the following instructions:

Migrating from 2.21.0 to 2.22.0 (AWS Cloudformation - Single master deployment) 🔗

Upgrading process for this kind of deployment is exactly the same as Migrating from 2.21.0 to 2.22.0 OpenVidu Pro (AWS with Cloudformation).

Remember to use OPENVIDU_EDITION=enterprise to run the deployment as OpenVidu enterprise.

Migrating from 2.21.0 to 2.22.0 (On premises - Single master deployment) 🔗

Upgrading process for this kind of deployment is exactly the same as Migrating from 2.21.0 to 2.22.0 OpenVidu Pro (On premises).

Remember to use OPENVIDU_EDITION=enterprise to run the deployment as OpenVidu enterprise.

Migrating from 2.21.0 to 2.22.0 (AWS Cloudformation - High Availability deployment) 🔗

For OpenVidu Enterprise with High Availability, the upgrading process can not be done manually because it would require a lot of different changes on different machines. Instead, OpenVidu Enterprise with High Availability uses a S3 bucket to preserve its configuration and recordings. You can access to it from your CloudFormation panel, at the Resources section.

To upgrade you will need to deploy the newer Cloudformation template of the version you want to deploy. If you want to keep in your new deployment your configuration and recordings, follow from step 1) to 5), Otherwise just start from step 3):

1) Clone your current S3 bucket with all of your data to a new S3 bucket. You do not even need any tool installed on your machine. You can open your AWS cloudshell and execute:

aws s3api create-bucket \
    --bucket <new-bucket-v2.22.0> \
    --region <your-region>
aws s3 sync s3://<bucket-v2.21.0> s3://<new-bucket-v2.22.0>

2) Remove from the new bucket the file named .env, located in the root directory of the bucket. This is because we want OpenVidu Enterprise to generate a new one for us.

3) Deploy the Cloudformation template of 2.22.0 from this instructions. If you've followed steps 1 and 2, put at the OpenVidu S3 bucket parameter your new bucket, Otherwise just keep the parameter blank.

4) Wait for the deployment to be in healthy state

5) Check your new S3 bucket (or check the new-bucket-v2.22.0 you have created if you followed steps 1 and 2), and move your old configuration to the .env configuration of the new bucket. You can follow this section to see how to change and restart OpenVidu master nodes.

Migrating from 2.20.0 to 2.21.0 🔗

Depending of the type of deployment you have (AWS or On Premises), you will need to follow one of the following instructions:

Migrating from 2.20.0 to 2.21.0 (AWS Cloudformation - Single master deployment) 🔗

Upgrading process for this kind of deployment is exactly the same as Migrating from 2.20.0 to 2.21.0 OpenVidu Pro (AWS with Cloudformation).

Remember to use OPENVIDU_EDITION=enterprise to run the deployment as OpenVidu enterprise.

Migrating from 2.20.0 to 2.21.0 (On premises - Single master deployment) 🔗

Upgrading process for this kind of deployment is exactly the same as Migrating from 2.20.0 to 2.21.0 OpenVidu Pro (On premises).

Remember to use OPENVIDU_EDITION=enterprise to run the deployment as OpenVidu enterprise.

Migrating from 2.20.0 to 2.21.0 (AWS Cloudformation - High Availability deployment) 🔗

For OpenVidu Enterprise with High Availability, the upgrading process can not be done manually because it would require a lot of different changes on different machines. Instead, OpenVidu Enterprise with High Availability uses a S3 bucket to preserve its configuration and recordings. You can access to it from your CloudFormation panel, at the Resources section.

To upgrade you will need to deploy the newer Cloudformation template of the version you want to deploy. If you want to keep in your new deployment your configuration and recordings, follow from step 1) to 5), Otherwise just start from step 3):

1) Clone your current S3 bucket with all of your data to a new S3 bucket. You do not even need any tool installed on your machine. You can open your AWS cloudshell and execute:

aws s3api create-bucket \
    --bucket <new-bucket-v2.21.0> \
    --region <your-region>
aws s3 sync s3://<bucket-v2.20.0> s3://<new-bucket-v2.21.0>

2) Remove from the new bucket the file named .env, located in the root directory of the bucket. This is because we want OpenVidu Enterprise to generate a new one for us.

3) Deploy the Cloudformation template of 2.21.0 from this instructions. If you've followed steps 1 and 2, put at the OpenVidu S3 bucket parameter your new bucket, Otherwise just keep the parameter blank.

4) Wait for the deployment to be in healthy state

5) Check your new S3 bucket (or check the new-bucket-v2.21.0 you have created if you followed steps 1 and 2), and move your old configuration to the .env configuration of the new bucket. You can follow this section to see how to change and restart OpenVidu master nodes.

General notes when upgrading 🔗

  • Remember to update openvidu-browser library in your clients. Comply version compatibility according to Releases page.
  • In case you have mobile applications: the previous minor version of openvidu-browser is always compatible with the next minor version of openvidu-server. This way you can upgrade your openvidu-server while giving your clients time to update their applications. Applications using the previous and the new version of openvidu-browser can coexist in the new openvidu-server version. For example, if you upgrade openvidu-server to 2.16.0, it will work fine with applications using both openvidu-browser 2.15.0 and 2.16.0. Of course, you must notify your users to update their applications until all of them are using openvidu-browser 2.16.0.