Ready-to-use component

OpenVidu provides a Web Component that is the fastest and least impactful way to incorporate video conferencing capabilities to your application. It is extremely easy to add, although its customization is somewhat limited.

The Web Component is built directly from our flagship application OpenVidu Call, so all of its advanced features are available when using the Web Component.

The ready-to-use component is only one of the three strategies available to integrate OpenVidu in your application's client. You can take a look to sections OpenVidu Components or Full control of the UI to explore the other alternatives.

The use of the OpenVidu Web Component is as simple as this:

        <script src='openvidu-webcomponent-{VERSION}.js'></script>
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="openvidu-webcomponent-{VERSION}.css">

The Web Component will not be visible at this point, as it needs a token to connect to a session. You can do that with JavaScript like this:

window.onload = () => {
    var webComponent = document.querySelector('openvidu-webcomponent');
    webComponent.tokens = 'AN_OPENVIDU_TOKEN';

You can download the OpenVidu Web Component from the GitHub Releases page, asset

This is just a very simplified snippet on how to add OpenVidu Web Component to your application. Check out the tutorial below to see a real example and all the customizations offered by the Web Component.

Tutorial 🔗

Check it on GitHub

Running this tutorial 🔗

To run the tutorial you need the three components stated in OpenVidu application architecture: an OpenVidu deployment, your server application and your client application. In this order:

1. Run OpenVidu deployment 🔗

Using Docker Engine:

# WARNING: this container is not suitable for production deployments of OpenVidu
# Visit

docker run -p 4443:4443 --rm -e OPENVIDU_SECRET=MY_SECRET openvidu/openvidu-dev:2.29.0

2. Run your preferred server application sample 🔗

For more information visit Application server.

3. Run the client application tutorial 🔗

You will need some kind of http web server installed in your development computer to serve the tutorial. If you have Node.js installed, you can use http-server. It can be installed with:

npm install --location=global http-server

To serve the tutorial:

# Using the same repository openvidu-tutorials from step 2
http-server openvidu-tutorials/openvidu-webcomponent/web

Go to http://localhost:8080 to test the app once the server is running.

To test the application with other devices in your network, visit this FAQ

Understanding the code 🔗

This application is very simple. It has only 4 files:

  • openvidu-webcomponent-{VERSION}.js: JavaScript file of OpenVidu Web Component. You don't have to manipulate this file.
  • openvidu-webcomponent-{VERSION}.css: styles for OpenVidu Web Component. You don't have to manipulate this file.
  • app.js: sample application main JavaScript file.
  • index.html: HTML code of the application.

Let's see how OpenVidu Web Component works:

index.html 🔗

Inside of the head section of index.html, we reference our app.js script and openvidu-webcomponent files:


    <!--... other imports ...-->

    <script src="app.js"></script>
    <script src='openvidu-webcomponent-{VERSION}.js'></script>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="openvidu-webcomponent-{VERSION}.css">

As you can see, the index.html body has the form to connect to a video-session and the OpenVidu Web Component, which starts hidden:


    <!-- Form to connect to a video-session -->
    <div id="main" style="text-align: center;">
        <h1>Join a video session</h1>
        <form onsubmit="joinSession(); return false" style="padding: 80px; margin: auto">
                <input type="text" id="sessionName" value="SessionA" required>
                <input type="text" id="user" value="User1" required>
                <input type="submit" value="JOIN">

    <!-- OpenVidu Web Component -->
    <openvidu-webcomponent style="display: none;"></openvidu-webcomponent>


In this tutorial, we just alternate the view between the form and the web component, hiding or showing them depending on the Web Component events received. See next point for checking the details.

app.js (I): OpenVidu Web Component events 🔗

The OpenVidu Web Component offers several events you can handle them in our JavaScript code. As the OpenVidu Web Component is created from the openvidu-angular library, you can see all events here.

We just need to get the element once the document is ready and add all the listeners we want:

$(document).ready(() => {
    var webComponent = document.querySelector('openvidu-webcomponent');

    webComponent.addEventListener('onSessionCreated', (event) => {
         var session = event.detail;
    webComponent.addEventListener('onJoinButtonClicked', (event) => {});
    webComponent.addEventListener('onToolbarLeaveButtonClicked', (event) => {});
    webComponent.addEventListener('onToolbarCameraButtonClicked', (event) => {});
    webComponent.addEventListener('onToolbarMicrophoneButtonClicked', (event) => {});
    webComponent.addEventListener('onToolbarScreenshareButtonClicked', (event) => {});
    webComponent.addEventListener('onToolbarParticipantsPanelButtonClicked', (event) => {});
    webComponent.addEventListener('onToolbarChatPanelButtonClicked', (event) => {});
    webComponent.addEventListener('onToolbarFullscreenButtonClicked', (event) => {});
    webComponent.addEventListener('onParticipantCreated', (event) => {});

We should mention that the onSessionCreated is returning the openvidu-browser Session object so we will be able to use session in the same way as if we used openvidu-browser directly, and of course use openvidu-browser API.

app.js (II): Configuring OpenVidu Web Component 🔗

The joinSession method is invoked after clicking on the our webapp join button. The main logic that it handles is the following:

  • Get the form input values, with the videoconference to connect and the nickname the user will have in it.
  • Get the two tokens from OpenVidu Server. Check out next point to see how this is done.

The tokens are the only parameter that the webcomponent needs. Once we have our tokens ready, we set them to the webcomponent.

We also have assigned a participantName for displaying our name in the videoconference. In addition, there are several optional parameters that we can set up for customizing the UI. Check them here.

async function joinSession() {
    //Getting form inputvalue
    var sessionName = document.getElementById('sessionName').value;
    var participantName = document.getElementById('user').value;

    // Requesting tokens
    var promiseResults = await Promise.all([getToken(sessionName), getToken(sessionName)]);
    var tokens = {webcam: promiseResults[0], screen: promiseResults[1]};

    //Getting the webcomponent element
    var webComponent = document.querySelector('openvidu-webcomponent');


    // Displaying webcomponent = 'block';

    // Setting up our name and tokens
    webComponent.participantName = participantName;
    webComponent.tokens = tokens;

That's it. Once you configure the tokens into the webcomponent, it will automatically join the proper session (onSessionCreated event will be dispatched so you can update your webapp).

You will be able to see the videconference working and every participant who connects to the same session will be displayed on it.

Get an OpenVidu token 🔗

We ask for the tokens to the server application. The server application will in turn request tokens to the OpenVidu deployment. If you have any doubts about this process, review the Basic Concepts.

Variable sessionName is the OpenVidu Session we want a token from.

// Requesting tokens
var promiseResults = await Promise.all([getToken(sessionName), getToken(sessionName)]);
var tokens = { webcam: promiseResults[0], screen: promiseResults[1] };

This is the piece of code in charge of finally retrieving a token from the server application. The tutorial uses jQuery.ajax() method to perform the necessary HTTP requests.

var APPLICATION_SERVER_URL = "http://localhost:5000/";

function getToken(mySessionId) {
    return createSession(mySessionId).then(sessionId => createToken(sessionId));

function createSession(sessionId) {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            type: "POST",
            url: APPLICATION_SERVER_URL + "api/sessions",
            data: JSON.stringify({ customSessionId: sessionId }),
            headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" },
            success: response => resolve(response), // The sessionId
            error: (error) => reject(error)

function createToken(sessionId) {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            type: 'POST',
            url: APPLICATION_SERVER_URL + 'api/sessions/' + sessionId + '/connections',
            data: JSON.stringify({}),
            headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" },
            success: (response) => resolve(response), // The token
            error: (error) => reject(error)

As you can see in the code snippet, the tokens must be placed in an object like this: { webcam: TOKEN1, screen: TOKEN2 }

If you don't include a second token in property screen, the app won't allow screen sharing for that user. If you want to allow streaming both the webcam and the screen, you will need to get two different tokens for the user (this is the default behavior of the tutorial).

Close the session dynamically 🔗

You can also disconnect the user from the session dynamically calling to disconnect method which the OpenVidu Webcomponent provides:


OpenVidu Web Component Customization 🔗

UI Customization 🔗

In the tutorial above, OpenVidu Web Component receives the participantName parameter dynamically like this:

webComponent.participantName = participantName;

In addition to this parameter, OpenVidu Web Component offers several other parameters for customizing the UI as you wish. You can see all the UI parameters here.

Here are some examples:

// Hide the prejoin page
webComponent.prejoin = false;

// Hide the fullscreen button
webComponent.toolbarFullscreenButton = false;

// Hide the branding logo
webComponent.toolbarDisplayLogo = false;

You can also set them statically, for example if you are building your template in the backend:

WARNING: As you can see, when you add parameters to OpenVidu Web Component statically, you have to replace the camelCase with a hyphen between words.

Styles Customization 🔗

The OpenVidu Web Component also allows you to customize the styles to your liking.

You can update the css styles which you can find here.

:root {
  --ov-primary-color: #303030;
  --ov-secondary-color: #3e3f3f;
  --ov-tertiary-color: #598eff;
  --ov-warn-color: #EB5144;
  --ov-accent-color: #ffae35;
  --ov-light-color: #e6e6e6;

  --ov-logo-background-color: #3e3f3f;
  --ov-text-color: #ffffff;

  --ov-panel-text-color: #1d1d1d;
  --ov-panel-background: #ffffff;

  --ov-buttons-radius: 50%;
  --ov-leave-button-radius: 10px;
  --ov-video-radius: 5px;
  --ov-panel-radius: 5px;

With OpenVidu Web Component you can also replace the OpenVidu branding logo with your custom onw. You just have to add into folder web/assets/images/ your custom logo file with name logo.png.

Change the virtual backgrounds 🔗

With OpenVidu Web Component you can also replace the virtual backgrounds with your custom ones. You just have to add into folder web/assets/backgrounds/ your custom backgrounds files with name bg-1.png, bg-2.png, bg-3.png etc. You can add up to 19 backgrounds.