OpenVidu CDR

OpenVidu Server offers a CDR logging system that informs about all the relevant events that take place in the system. The available events to be stored in the CDR are the same as those offered by the WebHook service.

To start OpenVidu Server with CDR enabled, set configuration property OPENVIDU_CDR=true. The CDR file location is given by configuration property OPENVIDU_CDR_PATH, default to /opt/openvidu/cdr.

The CDR file is a plain UTF-8 text file complying with JSON Lines format: one standard JSON entry for each line. The structure of each event is slightly different to the WebHook ones: the event type becomes a single root property that contains in a nested JSON object the rest of the properties of the event. Below there are a couple of examples demonstrating this structure.

  • For sessionCreated event, what in OpenVidu WebHook is ...


    ... in OpenVidu CDR is ...

  • For signalSent event, what in OpenVidu WebHook is ...


    ... in OpenVidu CDR is ...
