OpenVidu Webhook

OpenVidu offers a WebHook service to receive events in your application server.

Enable Webhook service 🔗

The following configuration properties allow enabling and configuring OpenVidu Webhook service:

  • OPENVIDU_WEBHOOK: set it to true to enable webhook service.
  • OPENVIDU_WEBHOOK_ENDPOINT: configure the HTTP endpoint where OpenVidu Server will send the POST messages with session events. This property is mandatory if OPENVIDU_WEBHOOK is set to true.
  • OPENVIDU_WEBHOOK_HEADERS: an array of HTTP headers that OpenVidu Server will append to each POST message. For example, you may configure HTTP authorization with this property. By default this property is an empty array (no headers)
  • OPENVIDU_WEBHOOK_EVENTS: an array with the type of events you want OpenVidu Server to send to your webhook. By default all available events are enabled.

For example, the configuration properties below will launch OpenVidu Server with webhook service enabled, sending session events to an HTTP endpoint located at, passing a Basic Auth header and sending only sessionCreated, sessionDestroyed and recordingStatusChanged events.


How your WebHook endpoint should be 🔗

The HTTP endpoint you configure in property OPENVIDU_WEBHOOK_ENDPOINT must meet two criteria:

  • Should listen to HTTP POST requests
  • Should return a 200 success response upon each POST request

If OpenVidu Server cannot successfully send the HTTP POST messages to the endpoint and do not receive a 200 success as response, it will log one error message for each attempt. No further action will be taken.

Format of the WebHook events 🔗

You can retrieve the WebHook events information from the body request of the HTTP POST operation. It is available in JSON format, always following this structure:

    "event": "EVENT_TYPE",
    "timestamp": 1234567890,
    "prop1": "value1",
    "prop2": "value2",
    "propN": "valueN"
  • event: the type of event.
  • timestamp: a number with the time when the event was registered in UTC milliseconds.
  • prop1, prop2 ... propN : custom properties for each specific event. Their name and type differ from each other.

OpenVidu WebHook events 🔗

sessionCreated 🔗

Recorded when a new session has been created. This event will be triggered at the end of a successful call to the REST API method to initialize a session (REST API, openvidu-java-client, openvidu-node-client).

    "event": "sessionCreated",
    "timestamp": 1601394690713,
    "sessionId": "ses_Jd8tUyvhXO"
Property Description Value
event Event type sessionCreated
timestamp Time when the event was triggered A Number (UTC milliseconds)
sessionId Session for which the event was triggered A String with the session's unique identifier

sessionDestroyed 🔗

Recorded when a session has finished.

    "event": "sessionDestroyed",
    "timestamp": 1601395365656,
    "sessionId": "ses_Jd8tUyvhXO",
    "startTime": 1601394690713,
    "duration": 674,
    "reason": "lastParticipantLeft"
Property Description Value
event Event type sessionDestroyed
timestamp Time when the event was triggered A Number (UTC milliseconds)
sessionId Session for which the event was triggered A String with the session's unique identifier
startTime Time when the session started A Number (UTC milliseconds)
duration Total duration of the session A Number with the duration in seconds
reason Why the session was destroyed (complete description) A String with one of these possible values
  • "lastParticipantLeft"
  • "sessionClosedByServer"
  • "mediaServerDisconnect"
  • "nodeCrashed"
  • "openviduServerStopped"
  • "automaticStop"

participantJoined 🔗

Recorded when a user has connected to a session.

    "event": "participantJoined",
    "timestamp": 1601394715606,
    "sessionId": "ses_Jd8tUyvhXO",
    "connectionId": "con_EIeO06zgMz",
    "location": "Berlin, Germany",
    "ip": "",
    "platform": "Chrome 85.0.4183.121 on Linux 64-bit",
    "clientData": "Mike",
    "serverData": "{'user': 'client1'}"
Property Description Value
event Event type participantJoined
timestamp Time when the event was triggered A Number (UTC milliseconds)
sessionId Session for which the event was triggered A String with the session's unique identifier
connectionId Identifier of the participant A String with the participant's unique identifier
location Geo location of the participant PRO A String with format "CITY, COUNTRY" (or "unknown")
ip The IP of the participant, as seen by OpenVidu Server A String with the participant's IP
platform Complete description of the platform used by the participant to connect to the session A String with the platform description
clientData Metadata associated to this participant from the client side. This corresponds to parameter metadata of openvidu-browser method Session.connect A String with the participant client-side metadata (generated when calling Session.connect method)
serverData Metadata associated to this participant from the server side. This corresponds to parameter data of REST API operation POST /openvidu/api/sessions/<SESSION_ID>/connection or its Java/Node server SDKs variants A String with the participant server-side metadata

participantLeft 🔗

Recorded when a user has left a session.

    "event": "participantLeft",
    "timestamp": 1601395365655,
    "sessionId": "ses_Jd8tUyvhXO",
    "startTime": 1601394715606,
    "duration": 650,
    "reason": "disconnect",
    "connectionId": "con_EIeO06zgMz",
    "location": "Berlin, Germany",
    "ip": "",
    "platform": "Chrome 85.0.4183.121 on Linux 64-bit",
    "clientData": "Mike",
    "serverData": "{'user': 'client1'}"
Property Description Value
event Event type participantLeft
timestamp Time when the event was triggered A Number (UTC milliseconds)
sessionId Session for which the event was triggered A String with the session's unique identifier
connectionId Identifier of the participant A String with the participant's unique identifier
location Geo location of the participant PRO A String with format "CITY, COUNTRY" (or "unknown")
ip The IP of the participant, as seen by OpenVidu Server A String with the participant's IP
platform Complete description of the platform used by the participant to connect to the session A String with the platform description
clientData Metadata associated to this participant from the client side. This corresponds to parameter metadata of openvidu-browser method Session.connect A String with the participant client-side metadata (generated when calling Session.connect method)
serverData Metadata associated to this participant from the server side. This corresponds to parameter data of REST API operation POST /openvidu/api/sessions/<SESSION_ID>/connection or its Java/Node server SDKs variants A String with the participant server-side metadata
startTime Time when the participant joined the session A Number (UTC milliseconds)
duration Total duration of the participant's connection to the session A Number with the duration in seconds
reason How the participant left the session (complete description) A String with one of these possible values
  • "disconnect"
  • "forceDisconnectByUser"
  • "forceDisconnectByServer"
  • "sessionClosedByServer"
  • "networkDisconnect"
  • "mediaServerDisconnect"
  • "nodeCrashed"
  • "openviduServerStopped"

webrtcConnectionCreated 🔗

Recorded when a new media stream has been established. Can be an "INBOUND" connection (the user is receiving a stream from a publisher of the session) or an "OUTBOUND" connection (the user is a publishing a stream to the session).

    "event": "webrtcConnectionCreated",
    "timestamp": 1601394849759,
    "sessionId": "ses_Jd8tUyvhXO",
    "streamId": "str_CAM_GPdf_con_EIeO06zgMz",
    "connectionId": "con_ThN5Rgi8Y8",
    "connection": "INBOUND",
    "receivingFrom": "con_EIeO06zgMz",
    "videoSource": "CAMERA",
    "videoFramerate": 30,
    "videoDimensions": "{\"width\":1280,\"height\":720}",
    "audioEnabled": true,
    "videoEnabled": true
Property Description Value
event Event type webrtcConnectionCreated
timestamp Time when the event was triggered A Number (UTC milliseconds)
sessionId Session for which the event was triggered A String with the session's unique identifier
connectionId Identifier of the participant A String with the participant's unique identifier
connection Whether the media connection is an inbound connection (the participant is receiving media from OpenVidu) or an outbound connection (the participant is sending media to OpenVidu) A String with one of these possible values
receivingFrom If connection is "INBOUND", the participant from whom the media stream is being received A String with the participant (sender) unique identifier
audioEnabled Whether the media connection has negotiated audio or not A Boolean
videoEnabled Whether the media connection has negotiated video or not A Boolean
videoSource If videoEnabled is true, the type of video that is being transmitted A String with one of these possible values
  • "CAMERA"
  • "SCREEN"
  • "CUSTOM"
  • "IPCAM"
videoFramerate If videoEnabled is true, the framerate of the transmitted video A Number with the fps
videoDimensions If videoEnabled is true, the dimensions transmitted video A String with the dimensions (e.g. "1920x1080")

webrtcConnectionDestroyed 🔗

Recorded when any media stream connection is closed.

    "event": "webrtcConnectionDestroyed",
    "timestamp": 1601394894238,
    "sessionId": "ses_Jd8tUyvhXO",
    "startTime": 1601394849759,
    "duration": 44,
    "reason": "unsubscribe",
    "streamId": "str_CAM_GPdf_con_EIeO06zgMz",
    "connectionId": "con_ThN5Rgi8Y8",
    "connection": "INBOUND",
    "receivingFrom": "con_EIeO06zgMz",
    "videoSource": "CAMERA",
    "videoFramerate": 30,
    "videoDimensions": "{\"width\":1280,\"height\":720}",
    "audioEnabled": true,
    "videoEnabled": true
Property Description Value
event Event type webrtcConnectionDestroyed
timestamp Time when the event was triggered A Number (UTC milliseconds)
sessionId Session for which the event was triggered A String with the session's unique identifier
connectionId Identifier of the participant A String with the participant's unique identifier
connection Whether the media connection is an inbound connection (the participant is receiving media from OpenVidu) or an outbound connection (the participant is sending media to OpenVidu) A String with one of these possible values
receivingFrom If connection is "INBOUND", the participant from whom the media stream is being received A String with the participant (sender) unique identifier
audioEnabled Whether the media connection has negotiated audio or not A Boolean
videoEnabled Whether the media connection has negotiated video or not A Boolean
videoSource If videoEnabled is true, the type of video that is being transmitted A String with one of these possible values
  • "CAMERA"
  • "SCREEN"
  • "CUSTOM"
  • "IPCAM"
videoFramerate If videoEnabled is true, the framerate of the transmitted video A Number with the fps
videoDimensions If videoEnabled is true, the dimensions transmitted video A String with the dimensions (e.g. "1920x1080")
startTime Time when the media connection was established A Number (UTC milliseconds)
duration Total duration of the media connection A Number with the duration in seconds
reason How the WebRTC connection was destroyed (complete description) A String with one of these possible values
  • "unsubscribe"
  • "unpublish"
  • "disconnect"
  • "forceUnpublishByUser"
  • "forceUnpublishByServer"
  • "forceDisconnectByUser"
  • "forceDisconnectByServer"
  • "sessionClosedByServer"
  • "networkDisconnect"
  • "mediaServerDisconnect"
  • "mediaServerReconnect"
  • "nodeCrashed"
  • "openviduServerStopped"

recordingStatusChanged 🔗

Recorded when the status of a recording has changed. The status may be:

  • started: the session is being recorded. This means the associated video(s) already exists and its size is greater than 0. NOTE: when using COMPOSED recording with video, this event does not mean there are publisher's streams being actually recorded in the video file. It only ensures the video file exists and its size is greater than 0.
  • stopped: the recording process has stopped and files are being processed. Depending on the type of OpenVidu deployment and configuration, properties duration and size can be set to 0 and url can be null. If this is the case, wait for status ready to get the final value of these properties.
  • ready: the recorded file has been successfully processed and is available for download. Properties duration, size and url will always be properly defined at this moment. For OpenVidu Pro deployments configured to upload recordings to S3 this status means that the recording has been successfully stored in the S3 bucket.
  • failed: the recording process has failed. The final state of the recorded file cannot be guaranteed to be stable.
    "event": "recordingStatusChanged",
    "timestamp": 1601395005555,
    "sessionId": "ses_Jd8tUyvhXO",
    "startTime": 1601394992838,
    "duration": 8.6,
    "reason": "recordingStoppedByServer",
    "id": "ses_Jd8tUyvhXO",
    "name": "MyRecording",
    "outputMode": "COMPOSED",
    "resolution": "1280x720",
    "recordingLayout": "BEST_FIT",
    "hasAudio": true,
    "hasVideo": true,
    "size": 1973428,
    "status": "ready"
Property Description Value
event Event type recordingStatusChanged
timestamp Time when the event was triggered A Number (UTC milliseconds)
sessionId Session for which the event was triggered A String with the session's unique identifier
startTime Time when the recording started A Number (UTC milliseconds)
id Unique identifier of the recording A String with the recording unique identifier
name Name given to the recording file A String with the recording name
outputMode Output mode of the recording (COMPOSED or INDIVIDUAL) A String with the recording output mode
hasAudio Whether the recording file has audio or not A Boolean
hasVideo Whether the recording file has video or not A Boolean
recordingLayout The type of layout used in the recording. Only defined if outputMode is COMPOSED and hasVideo is true A String with the RecordingLayout value ("BEST_FIT", "PICTURE_IN_PICTURE", "CUSTOM" ... )
resolution Resolution of the recorded file. Only defined if outputMode is COMPOSED and hasVideo is true A String with the width and height of the video file in pixels. e.g. "1280x720"
size The size of the video file. Only guaranteed to be greater than 0 if status is ready A Number with the size in bytes
duration Duration of the video file. Only guaranteed to be greater than 0 if status is ready A Number with the duration in seconds
status Status of the recording A String with one of these possible values
  • "started"
  • "stopped"
  • "ready"
  • "failed"
reason Why the recording stopped. Only defined when status is stopped or ready (complete description) A String with one of these possible values
  • "recordingStoppedByServer"
  • "lastParticipantLeft"
  • "sessionClosedByServer"
  • "mediaServerDisconnect"
  • "mediaServerReconnect"
  • "nodeCrashed"
  • "openviduServerStopped"
  • "automaticStop"

filterEventDispatched 🔗

Recorded when a filter event has been dispatched. This event can only be triggered if a filter has been applied to a stream and a listener has been added to a specific event offered by the filter. See Voice and video filters to learn more.

    "event": "filterEventDispatched",
    "timestamp": 1601394994829,
    "sessionId": "ses_Jd8tUyvhXO",
    "connectionId": "con_EIeO06zgMz",
    "streamId": "str_CAM_GPdf_con_EIeO06zgMz",
    "filterType": "ZBarFilter",
    "eventType": "CodeFound",
    "data": "{timestampMillis=1568645808285, codeType=EAN-13, source=23353-1d3c_kurento.MediaPipeline/1f56f4a5-807c-71a30d40_kurento.ZBarFilter, type=CodeFound, value=0012345678905, tags=[], timestamp=1568645808}"
Property Description Value
event Event type filterEventDispatched
timestamp Time when the event was triggered A Number (UTC milliseconds)
sessionId Session for which the event was triggered A String with the session's unique identifier
connectionId Identifier of the participant A String with the participant's unique identifier
streamId Identifier of the stream for which the filter is applied A String with the stream unique identifier
filterType Type of the filter applied to the stream A String with the type of filter
eventType Event of the filter that was triggered A String with the type of event
data Data of the filter event A String with the data returned by the filter event. Its value will depend on the type of filter and event

signalSent 🔗

Recorded when a signal has been sent to a Session. Signals can be sent:

All kind of signals trigger signalSent event.

    "event": "signalSent",
    "timestamp": 1605181948719,
    "sessionId": "ses_Jd8tUyvhXO",
    "from": "con_ZbNTYgi0ae",
    "to": ["con_Yz3To5z53q"],
    "type": "my-chat",
    "data": "{'message':'Hello!','name':'Alice'}"
Property Description Value
event Event type signalSent
timestamp Time when the event was triggered A Number (UTC milliseconds)
sessionId Session for which the event was triggered A String with the session's unique identifier
from Identifier of the participant that sent the signal, or null if sent by the application's server A String with the participant's unique identifier, or null
to Array of participant identifiers to whom the message was addressed An Array of Strings
type Type of the signal A String
data Actual data of the signal A String

nodeCrashed 🔗

This event is part of OpenVidu PRO and ENTERPRISE editions.

Recorded when a node of an OpenVidu Pro/Enterprise cluster has crashed. This is related to the the fault tolerance capabilities of OpenVidu:

  • It can be a Media Node for OpenVidu Pro and OpenVidu Enterprise clusters.
  • It can also be a Master Node for OpenVidu Enterprise HA clusters.

When a node crashes, all of its sessions are automatically closed and the node is removed from the OpenVidu cluster. No session is automatically reconstructed: it is the responsibility of the application to rebuild any affected session. Check out the following points for further information:

This event is always followed by other events for any session that was being hosted by the crashed node. All of them with reason property set to nodeCrashed: webrtcConnectionDestroyed, participantLeft, sessionDestroyed, recordingStatusChanged. Finally events mediaNodeStatusChanged will be triggered (first to status terminating and secondly to statusterminated), informing that the crashed Media Node is no longer part of the cluster.

Check out Media Node reconnection configuration for further information on this event, when triggered for Media Nodes.

    "event": "nodeCrashed",
    "timestamp": 1622548109518,
    "id": "media_i-1234567890abcdef0",
    "environmentId": "i-1234567890abcdef0",
    "ip": "",
    "uri": "ws://",
    "nodeRole": "medianode",
    "sessionIds": ["ses_Jd8tUyvhXO","ses_6rttUnoF2w"],
    "recordingIds": ["ses_Jd8tUyvhXO"],
    "broadcasts": ["ses_6rttUnoF2w"],
    "clusterId": "MY_CLUSTER"
Property Description Value
event Event type nodeCrashed
timestamp Time when the event was triggered A Number (UTC milliseconds)
id Unique identifier of the crashed node A String with the node's unique identifier
environmentId Unique identifier of the crashed node, dependent on the deployment environment. For example, an AWS EC2 machine id if the cluster is deployed in AWS A String with the node's environment unique identifier
ip IP of the crashed node A String with the node's IP
uri URI of the crashed node A String with the node's URI
clusterId OpenVidu Pro cluster identifier. This allows you to identify the specific cluster to which the node triggering this event belongs, especially if you have more than one OpenVidu Pro cluster running (see ) A String with the cluster identifier
nodeRole Role of the crashed node A String with the node's role. It can be:
sessionIds The collection of session identifiers of all the sessions that were located in the crashed node. This way you can immediately know which sessions have been destroyed by the crash An Array of Strings
recordingIds The collection of recording identifiers of all the recordings that were located in the crashed node. This way you can immediately know which recordings have been affected by the crash An Array of Strings
broadcasts The collection of session identifiers of all the sessions that were being broadcasted and which broadcast was located in the crashed node. This way you can immediately know which broadcasts have been affected by the crash. See Broadcast to YouTube/Twitch An Array of Strings
timeOfDisconnection Time when the connection with the Media Node was lost. It will be smaller than timestamp: the difference between both values is the time OpenVidu tried to reconnect to it A Number (UTC milliseconds)

nodeRecovered 🔗

This event is part of OpenVidu PRO and ENTERPRISE editions.

Recorded when a Media Node of an OpenVidu Pro/Enterprise cluster has been reconnected after a crash.

Event nodeRecovered event only takes place for a Media Node if two conditions are met:

  • A nodeCrashed event has been previously triggered for the Media Node.
  • Configuration property OPENVIDU_PRO_CLUSTER_RECONNECTION_TIMEOUT grants sufficient time for the event nodeRecovered to be triggered before event mediaNodeStatusChanged with status terminating is produced (and therefore the Media Node is removed from the cluster).

Check out Media Node reconnection configuration for further information on this event.

    "event": "nodeRecovered",
    "timestamp": 1622548120514,
    "id": "media_i-1234567890abcdef0",
    "environmentId": "i-1234567890abcdef0",
    "ip": "",
    "uri": "ws://",
    "nodeRole": "medianode",
    "clusterId": "MY_CLUSTER"
Property Description Value
event Event type nodeRecovered
timestamp Time when the event was triggered A Number (UTC milliseconds)
id Unique identifier of the recovered node A String with the node's unique identifier
environmentId Unique identifier of the recovered node, dependent on the deployment environment. For example, an AWS EC2 machine id if the cluster is deployed in AWS A String with the node's environment unique identifier
ip IP of the recovered node A String with the node's IP
uri URI of the recovered node A String with the node's URI
clusterId OpenVidu Pro cluster identifier. This allows you to identify the specific cluster to which the node triggering this event belongs, especially if you have more than one OpenVidu Pro cluster running (see ) A String with the cluster identifier
nodeRole Role of the recovered node medianode

mediaNodeStatusChanged 🔗

This event is part of OpenVidu PRO and ENTERPRISE editions.

Recorded when the status of a Media Node of an OpenVidu Pro cluster has changed. Below you have the finite-state machine defining the lifecycle of a Media Node and all of the possible transitions between its statuses. Visit Scalability section for a full description of them.

    "event": "mediaNodeStatusChanged",
    "timestamp": 1583750581667,
    "id": "media_i-1234567890abcdef0",
    "environmentId": "i-1234567890abcdef0",
    "ip": "",
    "uri": "ws://",
    "newStatus": "running",
    "oldStatus": "launching",
    "clusterId": "MY_CLUSTER"
Property Description Value
event Event type mediaNodeStatusChanged
timestamp Time when the event was triggered A Number (UTC milliseconds)
id Unique identifier of the Media Node A String with the Media Node unique identifier
environmentId Unique identifier of the Media Node, dependent on the deployment environment. For example, an AWS EC2 machine id if the cluster is deployed in AWS A String with the Media Node environment unique identifier
ip IP of the Media Node A String with the Media Node IP
uri URI of the Media Node. This is the actual direction where OpenVidu Server Pro Media Node connects to this Media Node A String with the Media Node URI
clusterId OpenVidu Pro cluster identifier. This allows you to identify the specific cluster to which the Media Node triggering this event belongs, especially if you have more than one OpenVidu Pro cluster running (see ) A String with the cluster identifier
oldStatus Old status of the Media Node. See Media Node statuses A String with the Media Node old status. null if newStatus is launching
newStatus New status of the Media Node. See Media Node statuses A String with the Media Node new status

autoscaling 🔗

This event is part of OpenVidu PRO and ENTERPRISE editions.

Recorded when autoscaling is enabled and the autoscaling algorithm has generated any kind of change in the status of the Media Nodes. This includes Media Nodes that must be launched and Media Nodes that must be terminated, taking into account the different statuses the Media Nodes may have in order to make the most optimal decision. That is: which specific Media Nodes must transit from which previous status to which new status in order to reach the new desired number of Media Nodes in the least possible amount of time.

For example, when a new Media Node is needed, the algorithm will always prioritize transitioning Media Nodes in waiting-idle-to-terminate status to running status, instead of launching a brand new Media Node. And if some Media Node must be removed because the load is low enough, the algorithm will always cancel any launching Media Node (setting its status to canceled) instead of removing a running one. Check out Media Node statuses and austocaling sections to learn more.

An autoscaling event will always be followed by one or more mediaNodeStatusChanged events applying the required changes to the cluster.

    "event": "autoscaling",
    "timestamp": 1592994854492,
    "clusterId": "MY_CLUSTER",
    "reason": "The cluster average load (7.95%) is below its limits [30.00%, 70.00%] and the lower limit of Media Nodes (1) has not been reached. Current number of active nodes is 3 (2 launching and 1 running). 2 launching Media Nodes will be canceled.",
    "mediaNodes": {
        "launch": {
        "total": 0,
        "newNodes": 0,
        "waitingIdleToTerminateNodes": [],
        "canceledNodes": []
        "terminate": {
        "total": 2,
        "runningNodes": [],
        "launchingNodes": [
            "id": "media_i-1234567890abcdef0",
            "environmentId": null,
            "ip": null,
            "load": 0,
            "status": "launching"
            "id": "media_i-jfwojap393k2p332p",
            "environmentId": null,
            "ip": null,
            "load": 0,
            "status": "launching"
    "system": {
        "config": {
        "maxNodes": 3,
        "minNodes": 1,
        "maxAvgLoad": 70,
        "minAvgLoad": 30
        "status": {
        "numNodes": 3,
        "totalLoad": 23.84,
        "avgLoad": 7.946666666666666,
        "runningNodes": [
            "id": "media_i-1234567890abcdef0",
            "environmentId": "i-1234567890abcdef0",
            "ip": "",
            "load": 23.84,
            "status": "running"
        "launchingNodes": [
            "id": "media_i-jfwojap393k2p332p",
            "environmentId": "i-jfwojap393k2p332p",
            "ip": null,
            "load": 0,
            "status": "launching"
            "id": "media_i-po39jr3e10rkjsdfj",
            "environmentId": "i-po39jr3e10rkjsdfj",
            "ip": null,
            "load": 0,
            "status": "launching"
        "waitingIdleToTerminateNodes": [],
        "canceledNodes": []
Property Description Value
event Event type autoscaling
timestamp Time when the event was triggered A Number (UTC milliseconds)
clusterId Unique identifier of this OpenVidu Pro cluster (configuration property OPENVIDU_PRO_CLUSTER_ID) A String with the OpenVidu Pro cluster unique identifier
reason A detailed description of why the autoscaling algorithm triggered this adjustment on the cluster size A String with the reason of the autoscaling event
mediaNodes An Object with the Media Nodes affected by the autoscaling event An Object. See mediaNodes
system An Object with a complete description of the system regarding the state of autoscaling An Object. See system

mediaNodes 🔗
Property Description Value
launch Media Nodes that are going to be added to the cluster An Object with 4 properties:
  • total : a Number counting the total amount of Media Nodes that are going to be added to the cluster (sum of the following properties).
  • newNodes : a Number counting the amount of completely new Media Nodes that will be launched. For On Premises OpenVidu Pro clusters, this is the number of Media Nodes that must be manually launched and/or added to the cluster.
  • waitingIdleToTerminateNodes : an Array of Objects of type mediaNode, that are transitioning from waiting-idle-to-terminate status to running status.
  • canceledNodes : an Array of Objects of type mediaNode, that are transitioning from canceled status to launching status.
terminate Media Nodes that are going to be removed from the cluster An Object with 3 properties:
  • total : a Number counting the total amount of Media Nodes that are going to be removed from the cluster (sum of the following properties).
  • runningNodes : an Array of Objects of type mediaNode, that are transitioning from running status to A) waiting-idle-to-terminate status, if there are ongoing sessions inside the Media Node, or B) terminating status, if the Media Node is empty and can be immediately removed.
  • launchingNodes : an Array of Objects of type mediaNode, that are transitioning from launching status to canceled status.

mediaNode 🔗
Property Description Value
id Unique identifier of the Media Node A String with the Media Node unique identifier
environmentId Unique identifier of the Media Node, dependent on the deployment environment. For example, an AWS EC2 machine id if the cluster is deployed in AWS A String with the Media Node environment unique identifier
ip IP of the Media Node A String with the Media Node IP
load The CPU load of the Media Node A Number. It is a decimal between 0.00 and 100.00
status Status of the Media Node. See Media Node statuses A String with the Media Node new status

system 🔗
Property Description Value
config Autoscaling configuration An Object with 4 properties with the current autoscaling-related configuration properties:
  • maxNodes : a Number with the value of configuration property OPENVIDU_PRO_CLUSTER_AUTOSCALING_MAX_NODES
  • minNodes : a Number with the value of configuration property OPENVIDU_PRO_CLUSTER_AUTOSCALING_MIN_NODES
  • maxAvgLoad : a Number with the value of configuration property OPENVIDU_PRO_CLUSTER_AUTOSCALING_MAX_LOAD
  • minAvgLoad : a Number with the value of configuration property OPENVIDU_PRO_CLUSTER_AUTOSCALING_MIN_LOAD
status Current cluster status, including a complete description of its Media Nodes and the current load of the cluster An Object. See status

status 🔗
Property Description Value
numNodes Total number of active Media Nodes in the cluster. Active nodes are those in running or launching status A Number
totalLoad Total CPU load of the cluster. It is calculated with the sum of all Media Nodes that may have load greater than 0: those in running or waiting-idle-to-terminate status A Number. It is a decimal between 0.00 and 100.00
avgLoad The average load per Media Node. It is calculated by dividing totalLoad by numNodes. This parameter is the one compared to the limits set with configuration properties OPENVIDU_PRO_CLUSTER_AUTOSCALING_MAX_LOAD and OPENVIDU_PRO_CLUSTER_AUTOSCALING_MIN_LOAD to determine if the the cluster size must be modified A Number. It is a decimal between 0.00 and 100.00
runningNodes Media Nodes in running status An Array of Objects of type mediaNode
launchingNodes Media Nodes in launching status An Array of Objects of type mediaNode
waitingIdleToTerminateNodes Media Nodes in waiting-idle-to-terminate status An Array of Objects of type mediaNode
canceledNodes Media Nodes in canceled status An Array of Objects of type mediaNode

HANodeRegistered 🔗

This event is part of OpenVidu ENTERPRISE HA On premises only. (Not available in OpenVidu Pro or Enterprise HA in AWS)

When a node is registered in an OpenVidu HA On premises cluster, this event is dispatched to the webhook endpoint. It contains the following information:

  "timestamp": 1687190118593,
  "event": "HANodeRegistered",
  "nodeId": "master_10.5.0.6",
  "ip": ""
Property Description Value
event Event type HANodeRegistered
timestamp Time when the event was triggered A Number (UTC milliseconds)
nodeId Id of the node registered A String with the node id
ip IP of the node registered A String with the node IP

HANodeDeregistered 🔗

This event is part of OpenVidu ENTERPRISE HA On premises only. (Not available in OpenVidu Pro or Enterprise HA in AWS)

When a node is deregistered in an OpenVidu HA On premises cluster, this event is dispatched to the webhook endpoint. It contains the following information:

  "timestamp": 1687281184225,
  "event": "HANodeDeregistered",
  "nodeId": "master_10.5.0.6",
  "ip": "",
  "reason": "mediaNodeStatusTerminated"
Property Description Value
event Event type HANodeDeregistered
timestamp Time when the event was triggered A Number (UTC milliseconds)
nodeId Id of the node registered A String with the node id
ip IP of the node registered A String with the node IP
reason Reason why the node was deregistered A String with the reason. It could be mediaNodeStatusTerminated or nodeCrashed