openvidu-vue 🔗

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An OpenVidu application built with Vue.js.

If it is the first time you use OpenVidu, it is highly recommended to start with openvidu-hello-world tutorial, as this app is no more than an extension of it with some new features and styles.

openvidu-vue app is to all intents and purposes the same as openvidu-js app, but using Vue.js framework instead of plain web technologies. Try openvidu-vue if you plan to use Vue.js framework in your frontend.

Running this tutorial 🔗

To run the tutorial you need the three components stated in OpenVidu application architecture: an OpenVidu deployment, your server application and your client application. In this order:

1. Run OpenVidu deployment 🔗

Using Docker Engine:

# WARNING: this container is not suitable for production deployments of OpenVidu
# Visit

docker run -p 4443:4443 --rm -e OPENVIDU_SECRET=MY_SECRET openvidu/openvidu-dev:2.29.0

2. Run your preferred server application sample 🔗

For more information visit Application server.

3. Run the client application tutorial 🔗

You need NPM to serve the application. Check it with the following command:

npm -v

To serve the tutorial:

# Using the same repository openvidu-tutorials from step 2

cd openvidu-tutorials/openvidu-vue
npm install
npm run serve

Go to http://localhost:8080 to test the app once the server is running.

To test the application with other devices in your network, visit this FAQ

Understanding the code 🔗

This is an Vue project, and therefore you will see lots of configuration files and other stuff that doesn't really matter to us. We will focus on the following files under src/ folder:

  • App.vue: defines App, main component of the app. It contains the functionalities for joining a video-call and for handling the video-calls themselves.
  • UserVideo.vue: defines UserVideo, used to display every user video. It contains one OvVideo, the name of the user and also handles a click event to update the view of App.
  • OvVideo.vue: defines OvVideo, which wraps the final HTML <video> that finally displays the media stream.

Let's see first how App.vue uses NPM package openvidu-browser:

We import the necessary objects from openvidu-browser: 🔗

import { OpenVidu } from 'openvidu-browser';

App.vue declares the following properties: 🔗

// OpenVidu objects
OV: undefined,
session: undefined,
mainStreamManager: undefined,
publisher: undefined,
subscribers: [],

// Join form
mySessionId: "SessionA",
myUserName: "Participant" + Math.floor(Math.random() * 100),

OV object will allow us to get a session object, which is declared just after it. mainStreamManager is the main video of the page, which will display the publisher or one of the subscribers. publisher StreamManager object will be our own local webcam stream and subscribers StreamManager array will store the active streams of other users in the video-call. Finally, mySessionId and myUserName params simply represent the video-call and your participant's nickname, as you will see in a moment.

Whenever a user clicks on the submit input defined in App.vue template, joinSession() method is called: 🔗

We first get an OpenVidu object and initialize a Session object with it.

// --- 1) Get an OpenVidu object ---
this.OV = new OpenVidu();

// --- 2) Init a session ---
this.session = this.OV.initSession();

Then we subscribe to the Session events that interest us.

// --- 3) Specify the actions when events take place in the session ---

// On every new Stream received...
this.session.on('streamCreated', ({ stream }) => {

    // Subscribe to the Stream to receive it. Second parameter is undefined
    // so OpenVidu doesn't create an HTML video by its own
    let subscriber = this.session.subscribe(stream, undefined);

// On every Stream destroyed...
this.session.on('streamDestroyed', (event: StreamEvent) => {

    // Remove the stream from 'subscribers' array
   const index = this.subscribers.indexOf(stream.streamManager, 0);
    if (index >= 0) {
        this.subscribers.splice(index, 1);

// On every asynchronous exception...
this.session.on('exception', ({ exception }) => {

As we are using Vue framework, a good approach for managing the remote media streams is to loop across an array of them, feeding a common component with each Subscriber object and let it manage its video. This component will be our UserVideo. To do this, we need to store each new Subscriber we received in array subscribers (of the parent class StreamManager), and we must remove from it every deleted subscriber whenever it is necessary. To achieve this, we use the following events:

  • streamCreated: for each new Stream received by the Session object, we subscribe to it and store the returned Subscriber object in our subscribers array. Method session.subscribe has undefined as second parameter so OpenVidu doesn't insert and HTML video element in the DOM on its own (we will use the video element contained in one of our child components). HTML template of App loops through subscribers array with an v-for directive, declaring a UserVideo for each subscriber. We feed them not really as Subscriber objects, but rather as their parent class StreamManager. This way we can reuse UserVideo to also display our Publisher object (that also inhertis from class StreamManager). user-video also declares the click event so we can update the main video player view when the user clicks on its Publisher or any Subscriber videos.

    <div id="video-container" class="col-md-6">
        <user-video :stream-manager="publisher" @click.native="updateMainVideoStreamManager(publisher)"/>
        <user-video v-for="sub in subscribers" :key="" :stream-manager="sub" @click.native="updateMainVideoStreamManager(sub)"/>
  • streamDestroyed: for each Stream that has been destroyed from the Session object (which means a user has left the video-call), we remove the associated Subscriber from subscribers array, so Vue will automatically delete the required UserVideo from HTML. Each Stream object has a property streamManager that indicates which Subscriber or Publisher owns it (in the same way, each StreamManager object also has a reference to its Stream).

  • exception: event triggered by Session object when an asynchronous unexpected error takes place on the server-side

You can take a look at all the events in the Reference Documentation

Get an OpenVidu token 🔗

We are ready to join the session. But we still need a token to get access to it, so we ask for it to the server application. The server application will in turn request a token to the OpenVidu deployment. If you have any doubts about this process, review the Basic Concepts.

// --- 4) Connect to the session with a valid user token ---

// Get a token from the OpenVidu deployment
this.getToken(this.mySessionId).then((token) => {
    // See next point to see how to connect to the session using 'token'

This is the piece of code in charge of finally retrieving a token from the application server. The tutorial uses axios library to perform the necessary HTTP requests.

async getToken(mySessionId) {
    const sessionId = await this.createSession(mySessionId);
    return await this.createToken(sessionId);

async createSession(sessionId) {
    const response = await + 'api/sessions', { customSessionId: sessionId }, {
        headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', },
    return; // The sessionId

async createToken(sessionId) {
    const response = await + 'api/sessions/' + sessionId + '/connections', {}, {
        headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', },
    return; // The token

Finally connect to the session and publish your webcam: 🔗

// --- 4) Connect to the session with a valid user token ---

// Get a token from the OpenVidu deployment
this.getToken(this.mySessionId).then((token) => {

    // First param is the token. Second param can be retrieved by every user on event
    // 'streamCreated' (property, and will be appended to DOM as the user's nickname
    this.session.connect(token, { clientData: this.myUserName })
        .then(() => {

            // --- 5) Get your own camera stream with the desired properties ---

            // Init a publisher passing undefined as targetElement (we don't want OpenVidu to insert a video
            // element: we will manage it on our own) and with the desired properties
            let publisher = this.OV.initPublisher(undefined, {
              audioSource: undefined, // The source of audio. If undefined default microphone
              videoSource: undefined, // The source of video. If undefined default webcam
              publishAudio: true, // Whether you want to start publishing with your audio unmuted or not
              publishVideo: true, // Whether you want to start publishing with your video enabled or not
              resolution: "640x480", // The resolution of your video
              frameRate: 30, // The frame rate of your video
              insertMode: "APPEND", // How the video is inserted in the target element 'video-container'
              mirror: false, // Whether to mirror your local video or not

            // Set the main video in the page to display our webcam and store our Publisher
            this.mainStreamManager = publisher;
            this.publisher = publisher;

            // --- 6) Publish your stream ---

        .catch((error) => {
            console.log("There was an error connecting to the session:", error.code, error.message);

In session.connect method first param is the recently retrieved user token. Second param is the value every user will receive in property on streamCreated event (this value will be used by UserVideo to append the user's nickname to the his video). So in this case it is an object with a property "clientData" with value "myUserName", which is binded from HTML input <input v-model="myUserName" class="form-control" type="text" required> (filled by the user).

If the method succeeds, we proceed to publish our webcam to the session. To do so we get a Publisher object with the desired properties and publish it to the Session through Session.publish() method. The rest of users will receive our Stream object and will execute their streamCreated event. Finally we make the main video player (which is just another UserVideo) display the Publisher object by default. This is the HTML code that will display the main stream manager:

<div id="main-video" class="col-md-6">
    <user-video :stream-manager="mainStreamManager"/>

And we store the Publisher under this.publisher, which is also of parent class StreamManager. This way our webcam will be appended along all remote subscribers, in exactly the same way they are shown (remember all of them are displayed by UserVideo):

<div id="video-container" class="col-md-6">
    <user-video :stream-manager="publisher" @click.native="updateMainVideoStreamManager(publisher)"/>

You can see that every <user-video> component for our Publisher and every Subscriber also updates the main video player when clicking on it.

Last point worth considering is the implementation of UserVideo and OvVideo. Each UserVideo manages one StreamManager object (a Subscriber or a Publisher) that will be fed to its child component OvVideo. Its main task is not managing the final video player (that is OvVideo responsibility), but displaying custom information for each one of them (the user's nickname in this case):

<div v-if="streamManager">
    <ov-video :stream-manager="streamManager"/>
    <div><p>{{ clientData }}</p></div>
export default {
    name: 'UserVideo',

    components: {

    props: {
        streamManager: Object,

    computed: {
        clientData () {
            const { clientData } = this.getConnectionData();
            return clientData;

    methods: {
        getConnectionData () {
            const { connection } =;
            return JSON.parse(;

OvVideo html template is just the video element:

<video autoplay />

And the unique responsibility of the component's logic is letting OpenVidu know the exact HTML DOM video player associated to its StreamManger. To do so we use method StreamManager.addVideoElement, which receives a native HTML video element. The way we implement this is Vue hook: we get the video element with this.$el tag and we call the method once after the view has initialized (mounted) and once every time the StreamManager input changes

export default {
    name: 'OvVideo',

    props: {
        streamManager: Object,

    mounted () {

Leaving the session 🔗

Whenever we want a user to leave the session, we just need to call session.disconnect method in App.vue:

leaveSession() {
    // --- 7) Leave the session by calling 'disconnect' method over the Session object ---
    if (this.session) this.session.disconnect();

    // Empty all properties...
    this.session = undefined;
    this.mainStreamManager = undefined;
    this.publisher = undefined;
    this.subscribers = [];
    this.OV = undefined;

    // Remove beforeunload listener
    window.removeEventListener("beforeunload", this.leaveSession);

Deploying openvidu-vue 🔗

1) Build the docker image 🔗

Under the root project folder, you can see the openvidu-vue/docker/ directory. Here it is included all the required files yo make it possible the deployment with OpenVidu.

First of all, you will need to create the openvidu-vue docker image. Under openvidu-vue/docker/ directory you will find the script. This script will create the docker image with the openvidu-basic-node as application server and the static files.

./ openvidu/openvidu-vue-demo:X.Y.Z

This script will create an image named openvidu/openvidu-vue-demo:X.Y.Z. This name will be used in the next step.

2) Deploy the docker image 🔗

Time to deploy the docker image. You can follow the Deploy OpenVidu based application with Docker guide for doing this.