Unique identifier of the connection
Time when this connection was created in OpenVidu Server (UTC milliseconds)
Data associated to this connection (and therefore to certain user). This is an important field: it allows you to broadcast all the information you want for each user (a username, for example)
Whether the streams published by this Connection will be recorded or not. This only affects INDIVIDUAL recording PRO
Only defined for the local connection. In remote connections will be undefined
Role of the connection.
: can subscribe to published Streams of other users by calling subscribePUBLISHER
: SUBSCRIBER permissions + can publish their own Streams by calling publishMODERATOR
: SUBSCRIBER + PUBLISHER permissions + can force the unpublishing or disconnection over a third-party Stream or Connection by call forceUnpublish and forceDisconnectOnly defined for the local connection. In remote connections will be undefined
Generated using TypeDoc
Represents each one of the user's connection to the session (the local one and other user's connections). Therefore each Session and Stream object has an attribute of type Connection