Represents a video call. It can also be seen as a videoconference room where multiple users can connect. Participants who publish their videos to a session can be seen by the rest of users connected to that specific session. Initialized with initSession method.

See available event listeners at SessionEventMap.



capabilities: Capabilities

Object defining the methods that the client is able to call. These are defined by the role. This object is only defined after connect has been successfully resolved

connection: Connection

Local connection to the Session. This object is defined only after connect has been successfully executed, and can be retrieved subscribing to connectionCreated event

sessionId: string

Unique identifier of the Session

streamManagers: StreamManager[] = []

Collection of all StreamManagers of this Session (Publisher and Subscriber)


  • Connects to the session using token. Parameter metadata allows you to pass extra data to share with other users when they receive streamCreated event. The structure of metadata string is up to you (maybe some standardized format as JSON or XML is a good idea).

    This metadata is not considered secure, as it is generated in the client side. To pass secure data, add it as a parameter in the token generation operation (through the API REST, openvidu-java-client or openvidu-node-client).

    Only after the returned Promise is successfully resolved connection object will be available and properly defined.

    Events dispatched

    The Session object of the local participant will first dispatch one or more connectionCreated events upon successful termination of this method:

    • First one for your own local Connection object, so you can retrieve connection property.
    • Then one for each remote Connection previously connected to the Session, if any. Any other remote user connecting to the Session after you have successfully connected will also dispatch a connectionCreated event when they do so.

    The Session object of the local participant will also dispatch a streamCreated event for each remote active Publisher that was already streaming when connecting, just after dispatching all remote connectionCreated events.

    The Session object of every other participant connected to the session will dispatch a connectionCreated event.

    See ConnectionEvent and StreamEvent to learn more.


    A Promise to which you must subscribe that is resolved if the the connection to the Session was successful and rejected with an Error object if not


    • token: string

    Returns Promise<any>

  • Connects to the session using token. Parameter metadata allows you to pass extra data to share with other users when they receive streamCreated event. The structure of metadata string is up to you (maybe some standardized format as JSON or XML is a good idea).

    This metadata is not considered secure, as it is generated in the client side. To pass secure data, add it as a parameter in the token generation operation (through the API REST, openvidu-java-client or openvidu-node-client).

    Only after the returned Promise is successfully resolved connection object will be available and properly defined.

    Events dispatched

    The Session object of the local participant will first dispatch one or more connectionCreated events upon successful termination of this method:

    • First one for your own local Connection object, so you can retrieve connection property.
    • Then one for each remote Connection previously connected to the Session, if any. Any other remote user connecting to the Session after you have successfully connected will also dispatch a connectionCreated event when they do so.

    The Session object of the local participant will also dispatch a streamCreated event for each remote active Publisher that was already streaming when connecting, just after dispatching all remote connectionCreated events.

    The Session object of every other participant connected to the session will dispatch a connectionCreated event.

    See ConnectionEvent and StreamEvent to learn more.


    A Promise to which you must subscribe that is resolved if the the connection to the Session was successful and rejected with an Error object if not


    • token: string
    • metadata: any

    Returns Promise<any>

  • Leaves the session, destroying all streams and deleting the user as a participant.

    Events dispatched

    The Session object of the local participant will dispatch a sessionDisconnected event. This event will automatically unsubscribe the leaving participant from every Subscriber object of the session (this includes closing the RTCPeerConnection and disposing all MediaStreamTracks) and also deletes any HTML video element associated to each Subscriber (only those created by OpenVidu Browser). For every video removed, each Subscriber object will dispatch a videoElementDestroyed event. Call event.preventDefault() upon event sessionDisconnected to avoid this behavior and take care of disposing and cleaning all the Subscriber objects yourself. See SessionDisconnectedEvent and VideoElementEvent to learn more.

    The Publisher object of the local participant will dispatch a streamDestroyed event if there is a Publisher object publishing to the session. This event will automatically stop all media tracks and delete any HTML video element associated to it (only those created by OpenVidu Browser). For every video removed, the Publisher object will dispatch a videoElementDestroyed event. Call event.preventDefault() upon event streamDestroyed if you want to clean the Publisher object on your own or re-publish it in a different Session (to do so it is a mandatory requirement to call Session.unpublish() or/and Session.disconnect() in the previous session). See StreamEvent and VideoElementEvent to learn more.

    The Session object of every other participant connected to the session will dispatch a streamDestroyed event if the disconnected participant was publishing. This event will automatically unsubscribe the Subscriber object from the session (this includes closing the RTCPeerConnection and disposing all MediaStreamTracks) and also deletes any HTML video element associated to that Subscriber (only those created by OpenVidu Browser). For every video removed, the Subscriber object will dispatch a videoElementDestroyed event. Call event.preventDefault() upon event streamDestroyed to avoid this default behavior and take care of disposing and cleaning the Subscriber object yourself. See StreamEvent and VideoElementEvent to learn more.

    The Session object of every other participant connected to the session will dispatch a connectionDestroyed event in any case. See ConnectionEvent to learn more.

    Returns void

  • Forces some user to leave the session

    Events dispatched

    The behavior is the same as when some user calls disconnect, but reason property in all events will be "forceDisconnectByUser".

    The Session object of every participant will dispatch a streamDestroyed event if the evicted user was publishing a stream, with property reason set to "forceDisconnectByUser". The Session object of every participant except the evicted one will dispatch a connectionDestroyed event for the evicted user, with property reason set to "forceDisconnectByUser".

    If any, the Publisher object of the evicted participant will also dispatch a streamDestroyed event with property reason set to "forceDisconnectByUser". The Session object of the evicted participant will dispatch a sessionDisconnected event with property reason set to "forceDisconnectByUser".

    See StreamEvent, ConnectionEvent and SessionDisconnectedEvent to learn more.


    A Promise (to which you can optionally subscribe to) that is resolved only after the participant has been successfully evicted from the session and rejected with an Error object if not


    Returns Promise<void>

  • Forces some user to unpublish a Stream

    Events dispatched

    The behavior is the same as when some user calls unpublish, but reason property in all events will be "forceUnpublishByUser"

    The Session object of every participant will dispatch a streamDestroyed event with property reason set to "forceDisconnectByUser"

    The Publisher object of the affected participant will also dispatch a streamDestroyed event with property reason set to "forceDisconnectByUser"

    See StreamEvent to learn more.


    A Promise (to which you can optionally subscribe to) that is resolved only after the remote Stream has been successfully unpublished from the session and rejected with an Error object if not


    Returns Promise<void>

  • Publishes to the Session the Publisher object

    Events dispatched

    The local Publisher object will dispatch a streamCreated event upon successful termination of this method. See StreamEvent to learn more.

    The local Publisher object will dispatch a streamPlaying once the media stream starts playing. See StreamManagerEvent to learn more.

    The Session object of every other participant connected to the session will dispatch a streamCreated event so they can subscribe to it. See StreamEvent to learn more.


    A Promise (to which you can optionally subscribe to) that is resolved only after the publisher was successfully published and rejected with an Error object if not


    Returns Promise<void>

  • Sends one signal. signal object has the following optional properties:

    {data:string, to:Connection[], type:string}

    All users subscribed to that signal (session.on('signal:type', ...) or session.on('signal', ...) for all signals) and whose Connection objects are in to array will receive it. Their local Session objects will dispatch a signal or signal:type event. See SignalEvent to learn more.


    A Promise (to which you can optionally subscribe to) that is resolved if the message successfully reached openvidu-server and rejected with an Error object if not. This doesn't mean that openvidu-server could resend the message to all the listed receivers.


    Returns Promise<void>

  • Subscribe to the Speech-To-Text events for this Stream. The Session object will emit SpeechToTextEvent for the Stream when speech is detected in its audio track.


    A Promise (to which you can optionally subscribe to) that is resolved if the speech-to-text subscription was successful and rejected with an Error object if not.


    • stream: Stream

      The Stream for which you want to start receiving SpeechToTextEvent.

    • lang: string

      The language of the Stream's audio track. It must be a valid BCP-47 language tag like "en-US" or "es-ES".

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Unpublishes from the Session the Publisher object.

    Events dispatched

    The Publisher object of the local participant will dispatch a streamDestroyed event. This event will automatically stop all media tracks and delete any HTML video element associated to this Publisher (only those videos created by OpenVidu Browser). For every video removed, the Publisher object will dispatch a videoElementDestroyed event. Call event.preventDefault() upon event streamDestroyed if you want to clean the Publisher object on your own or re-publish it in a different Session.

    The Session object of every other participant connected to the session will dispatch a streamDestroyed event. This event will automatically unsubscribe the Subscriber object from the session (this includes closing the RTCPeerConnection and disposing all MediaStreamTracks) and delete any HTML video element associated to it (only those created by OpenVidu Browser). For every video removed, the Subscriber object will dispatch a videoElementDestroyed event. Call event.preventDefault() upon event streamDestroyed to avoid this default behavior and take care of disposing and cleaning the Subscriber object on your own.

    See StreamEvent and VideoElementEvent to learn more.


    Returns Promise<void>

  • Unsubscribe from the Speech-To-Text events for this Stream.


    A Promise (to which you can optionally subscribe to) that is resolved if the speech-to-text subscription was successful and rejected with an Error object if not.


    Returns Promise<void>

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