Whether the event has a default behavior that may be prevented by calling preventDefault
dataThe message of the signal (can be empty)
fromThe client that sent the signal. This property is undefined if the signal was directly generated by the application server (not by other client)
The object that dispatched the event
The type of signal. It is string "signal"
for those signals sent with no type property, and "signal:type"
if was sent with a
valid type property.
The client must be specifically subscribed to Session.on('signal:type', function(signalEvent) {...})
to trigger that type of signal.
Subscribing to Session.on('signal', function(signalEvent) {...})
will trigger all signals, no matter their type.
Whether the default beahivour of the event has been prevented or not. Call preventDefault to prevent it
Prevents the default behavior of the event. The following events have a default behavior:
: dispatched by Session object, automatically unsubscribes the leaving participant from every Subscriber object of the session (this includes closing the RTCPeerConnection and disposing all MediaStreamTracks)
and also deletes any HTML video element associated to each Subscriber (only those created by OpenVidu Browser, either by passing a valid parameter as targetElement
in method subscribe or
by calling createVideoElement). For every video removed, each Subscriber object will also dispatch a videoElementDestroyed
in method initPublisher or by calling createVideoElement). For every video removed, the Publisher object will also dispatch a videoElementDestroyed
in method subscribe or
by calling createVideoElement). For every video removed, the Subscriber object will also dispatch a videoElementDestroyed
event.Generated using TypeDoc
Triggered by signal