
  • RecordingProperties


customLayout?: string

The relative path to the specific custom layout you want to use.
Will only have effect if outputMode is set to COMPOSED or COMPOSED_QUICK_START and recordingLayout is set to CUSTOM
See Custom recording layouts to learn more.

frameRate?: number

Recording video file frame rate.
Will only have effect if outputMode is set to COMPOSED or COMPOSED_QUICK_START and hasVideo is set to true. For INDIVIDUAL all individual video files will have the native frame rate of the published stream.

Default to 25

hasAudio?: boolean

Whether or not to record audio. Cannot be set to false at the same time as hasVideo

Default to true

hasVideo?: boolean

Whether or not to record video. Cannot be set to false at the same time as hasAudio

Default to true

ignoreFailedStreams?: boolean

Whether to ignore failed streams or not when starting the recording. This property only applies if outputMode is set to INDIVIDUAL. For this type of recordings, when calling startRecording by default all the streams available at the moment the recording process starts must be healthy and properly sending media. If some stream that should be sending media is broken, then the recording process fails after a 10s timeout. In this way your application is notified that some stream is not being recorded, so it can retry the process again.

But you can disable this rollback behavior and simply ignore any failed stream, which will be susceptible to be recorded in the future if media starts flowing as expected at any point. The downside of this behavior is that you will have no guarantee that all streams present at the beginning of a recording are actually being recorded.

Default to false

mediaNode?: {
    id: string;

This feature is part of OpenVidu PRO and ENTERPRISE editions

The Media Node where to host the recording. The default option if this property is not defined is the same Media Node hosting the Session to record. This object defines the following properties as Media Node selector:

  • id: Media Node unique identifier

Type declaration

  • id: string
name?: string

Name of the Recording. The video file will be named after this property. You can access this same value in your clients on recording events (recordingStarted, recordingStopped)

outputMode?: OutputMode

The mode of recording: COMPOSED for a single archive in a grid layout or INDIVIDUAL for one archive for each stream

Default to COMPOSED

recordingLayout?: RecordingLayout

The layout to be used in the recording.
Will only have effect if outputMode is set to COMPOSED or COMPOSED_QUICK_START

Default to BEST_FIT

resolution?: string

Recording video file resolution. Must be a string with format "WIDTHxHEIGHT", being both WIDTH and HEIGHT the number of pixels between 100 and 1999.
Will only have effect if outputMode is set to COMPOSED or COMPOSED_QUICK_START and hasVideo is set to true. For INDIVIDUAL all individual video files will have the native resolution of the published stream.

Default to "1280x720"

shmSize?: number

The amount of shared memory reserved for the recording process in bytes. Will only have effect if outputMode is set to COMPOSED or COMPOSED_QUICK_START and hasVideo is set to true. Property ignored for INDIVIDUAL recordings and audio-only recordings. Minimum 134217728 (128MB).

Default to 536870912 (512 MB)

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